I always let the dogs out about 10-10:30ish to take care of their business before bed time. Well...unbeknownst to me, an armadillo made its way through the fence to try and root up my yard. That f*cker usually is close enough to the fence line and the dig hole to get away. Not this time...Koa was too fast for that thing last night.

I knew something was different when he took off through the pool screen door and didn't make a sound. If it is beyond the fence he will take off to the fence line, growl or bark. Nope, no growl, no bark...just the sound of teeth on armadillo shell. The Am. Bulldog of course joined in and fun was had for all (sarcasm). Nothing like having to try and get them off of it and then give them both a bath on the pool deck at 11:00pm. Woohoo...fun times!

Stupid armadillos. He marks the fence line. I guess that's not warning enough. Well...price paid.