JAMES BOND 007: No Time To Die (Review)

The last Bond movie with Daniel Craig and the end of James Bond himself... I have to start this review by being honest: I have not enjoyed a Bond movie since Casino Royale, and had high hopes for Craig and the direction of Bond movies as more gritty realism, but it was not to be. This Bond movies tries to incorporate some of the classic Bond moments of old, but misses the mark at every turn.

There's some good action scenes, but they tend to drag on, and the movie seems more focused on his emotional state and heavy drinking trying to forget a lost love and move forward with the new one (plaid by French actress Léa Seydoux) who does a convincing job all around. Bond movies themselves are perhaps passed their due date culturally, and trying to fit Bond into today's culture - something Bond and M (Ralph Fiennes) actually lament about in the movie - does not work any more. There's some all inclusive wokeness in the movie that will annoy some viewers to be be sure.

If you enjoyed the past Bond movies with Craig beyond Casino Royale, you'll likely enjoy this one too. If you feel as I do about it, see this one for no other reason that to say goodbye to Craig as Bond, but the movie is not the Bond you grew up with to be sure. I think it's probably best they don't continue the franchise... B-/C+