There are some sayings I’ve heard over the years:

The average civilian gunfight is three rounds at three yards in three seconds.

Nobody ever asks for less capacity or a smaller gun in a gunfight.

A subcompact on your hip is better than a full-size at home.

Statistically, you’re never going to get in a gunfight.

Play with your dick, not guns.

At the end of the day, obsessing over the perfect gun is futile. Trying to figure out what it is on an Internet forum, even more so. The more training you have, the less you care about what gun you’re using.

Most of the time I carry a mostly stock Gen 3 Glock 19 and one reload on my belt, and a handheld flashlight. I’ve used similar in force on force and never felt the gun is what held me back, it was always my skills.

We as enthusiasts turn the gun into a hobby more so than a tool. That is part of our problem obsessing over things that don’t matter. I’m not saying that we can’t improve technology over time, but the average shooter can’t max out the capability of the gear we already have.

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