Stolen from FB, but I suspect many of us feel this way.

If you are a Law Enforcement officer and need a break , you can come park outside my home.
If you are thirsty I will bring you a drink. If you are hungry I will bring you a meal.
If you need backup , I will stand with you .
If you need to talk I will listen. Please don't lose faith in us. We are not all against you , we are strong and waiting to follow your lead.
God Bless you and your family

For the record, I've handed out soft drinks to guys working traffic when walking from the beach back to my car with my rolling cooler damn near every weekend for years. I've bought more snacks, pizza slices and meals than I could possibly remember.

I have two instances of being visibly armed and asking LEOs "you guys need help" when I saw some guys who looked like they might need help.

When I used to live in fun central (downtown Ft Lauderdale), I saw one of the local district officers going hands on with a known drug dealer. Myself and another home owner ran over to help, he tried to tell us to stop but when he went over a yard fence with the dealer, me and the other guy were seconds behind him. When the three of us took him to ground, he and I discovered the guy was covered in pepper spray and now so were all of us. We sucked it up hard until he got handcuffs on and then we did the choke and weeze thing, wasn't the worst I've ever been through but we got smeared pretty good.

I make sure the local SRO is buying good shit and at cost. I also give him shit when he asks if he really needs 10 mags.

Some cops are shitbirds and I've met them, I'd probably still buy them a coke if they needed it. Obviously the FUs who don't belong don't qualify for any of the above consideration.