I'm conflicted: I have zero empathy for Jones, but Free Speech includes protection for those you consider a POS for a human. I do think if anyone pushed it beyond the boundaries of acceptable (can't yell fire in a theater under Free Speech, etc) it's him, but fine line there. Such cases do have the potential to suppress Free Speech, and that's all that worries me here.

First time I was really aware of Jones when was he claimed there was Martial Law in Boston during the Boston bombings, which was total BS. Someone who worked for him went the neighborhood, Watertown (a town over from me at the time) and right after the event started asking moronic Qs, and there was a great vid (wish I could find it!) of someone telling dude he'd best STFU or he'd get is a$$ kicked. I had buddies in the middle of that, including right at the end at the boat, have knowledge of that one more than most, other then those that were right in the middle of it.