Quote Originally Posted by WillBrink View Post
Her 2A position after red pill:

"As we see Democratic leaders in Washington continue to push more authoritarian-like policies, who are using law enforcement agencies, weaponizing them to go after political opponents, targeting law-abiding Americans as extremists and domestic terrorists for committing the offense of opposing the agenda of those in power, we realize that our right to bear arms is the deterrent that our Founders intended to push back against this threat of government tyranny. This abuse of power. …

President Biden likes to say that our Second Amendment is not absolute, pretending as though we don’t currently have tens of thousands of laws already on the books. In fact, there are more laws regulating this individual right than any other mentioned in the Constitution. But those laws, those existing laws on the books, frankly are not even being enforced and yet they want to place even more restrictions on us."

And yet...


I support our Second Amendment rights. (Jun 2019)
Ban assault weapons; require universal background checks. (Jan 2019)
Advocate for sensible gun control. (Nov 2016)
Require background check for every firearm sale and transfer. (Jan 2019)