Quote Originally Posted by Averageman View Post
That's the thing, this is the heart of the Baptist South and as far as I know, no one said Boo!
Even if I suspect something aint right, if this is a rural area and I call the Sherriff, that's who I want answering the call. Not the ATF.
If he was afraid to go out there and talk to them and called the ATF to carry his water, well that's a different subject. I'm pretty sure no one envisioned this going this far sideways.
To be sure. We'd have to track back the process as to how/why they even came on the radar of LE. Perhaps this series with explore that part. Worth looking into for context. It's not so easy to find exactly when/where/why they came on the radar of LE and by extension, the ATF. That is important context as to justification for the raid.

Quote Originally Posted by Averageman View Post
There were a lot of guns out there the Davidians were shooters, has anyone ever gathered up and got a count on all the full auto guns that the Davidians had on hand?
All this of Koresh having his way with Children and other Mens wives never came out until the siege was well under way.
Agreed. ATF was there exclusively for the federal weapons issue, but the other stuff was confirmed by members themselves. That much does not appear to be psyops added by the gubment/media.

Quote Originally Posted by Averageman View Post
If they were a bunch of perverts, they were pretty darn quiet about it as far as I can tell.
They were a totally closed group on a big compound, so that much is no issue for me to believe. They were a straight up cult and the level of brain washing by his followers, even to this day, is impossible for me to fathom. Look at the 60 mins vid I posted. Dude was one of the few who survived and while I try to have some empathy for him, find it difficult.