Saw this flick today. Nothing that hasn't been done before (SpecOps guys fighting terrorists), but it has enough explosions and gunfire to satisfy the average action buff.

Russell Crowe is really too old and overweight to portray a USAF Captain, though. And the female SSgt that works beside him seems bit confused - her tape says "US AIR FORCE" but her rank insignia is that of a US Army SSgt. It was filmed in Australia, so maybe they're not up on US military insignia. Also, you learn that a single Hellfire missile has the terminal effects of a B-52 strike (who knew?).

Counting myself, there were five people in the theater. So this may be one of those "here today, gone tomorrow" movies. If you're interested, and you're one of those (like myself) who like the theatre experience, catch it before it disappears.