Quote Originally Posted by artoter View Post
As far as "moving" goes, it goes with any gun. The diameter of the bullet is just that, and I can bet, even just across the room, shooting shot at an attacker lays down a larger diameter than a bullet.

Besides, say you and another are going to rob someone's home. You both creep through the door or window, you hear a loud boom, your buddy goes down hard. Are you really going to hang around to see just how many shot shells your opponent actually has to shoot at you? I damn sure would not.

Anything short of a magic wand is going to have it's drawbacks, but if I had to choose between taking a round from a bullet, or taking a load of buckshot, I'm going with the bullet. YMMV.
Shotguns are great... until you have to make a precision shot. THEN... you're screwed. I've NEVER asked a person who mentions shotgun slugs and their "accuracy".... if they'd be comfortable with that accuracy in a hostage rescue situation with their own child as the hostage... and having to make that shot. Not a one. The carbine is just SO much superior in every way, with the possible exception of just pure carnage, to the shotty. Shotties are to be used for breaching, bean bags, and ducks. Leave the fighting to the rifles.