Quote Originally Posted by Hank6046 View Post
I appreciate your honesty. I don't understand the people who want all the lumens of a F350 light bar strapped to their head (this is not a weapon light and should not be judged by the same criteria), I get the reliability part for sure, but a headlamp to me is so I can see things in my work space and have my hands free. I use them all the time when hunting and camping and I like something fairly reliable and handy. If your talking tactical the name of the game is signature reduction, so I just like a Red lens model preferably, with anything I think the KISS method is sometimes ignored with accessories, and the new "Instagram Hotness" is what people want

If folks want to strap a bang-zoom light to their head they might consider something like Malkoff's headlamp holder. They'll have far more choices among compact handhelds to suit their lumen and candela wants/needs, such as the OP wanting high candela (long throw).
