People are amazing!

I had a wild youth though mid 20s with plenty of run ins with the law but always treated them with respect and never got more than a cheap ticket.

I recall once me and some friends when we were about 16-17 got pulled over. LEO got us out took our beer and was content with that and ready to let us go. Then one LEO just glanced inside the car and the oldest of us who was 19 yelled at him to get away and he can't search the car without a warrant! LEO was like "oh yeah! Watch me" dove in a came up with a joint belonging to older dude, it was his car! He got nailed for possession an contributing to delinquency of minors! We were ready to walk and he had to bark with attitude! I actually loved he got nailed! From losing a 6 pack to $1000 fine in 1 minute!