We got a couple buckets of wheat given to us by someone that was rotating out their wheat storage. The gal that gave it to us was not sure on the age but was getting rid of it because her bread wouldn't rise anymore. She tested the wheat by sprouting it and it wouldn't so she gave it away.

We were going to feed it all to the chickens but my son had the idea of making Hardtack out of it since it wouldn't rise.

We ground some of the wheat using our Magic Mill grinder on the finest setting and I adjusted the recipe in the above link as follows:
* 2 cups whole wheat flour
* 1 teaspoons salt
* 1 cup water
* Baked in oven at 375 for an hour, flipping every 20 minutes.

It was left to sit in ziplock bags for 24 hours and then we gave it a try. It was hard but had a good flavor even though I found it to be a little on the salty side. I thought this was odd since I had cut the amount of salt that the original recipe called for by half. I guess they liked their hardtack pretty salty back then.

I like rye crisp crackers so I am thinking of trying a variation of the Swedish Hardtack recipe next.

Has anybody else tried to make it or eat it? I am going to put some aside to see how long it will last without moulding.