Quote Originally Posted by CarlosDJackal View Post
While I am a huge proponent of a Patrol Rifle program (I am currently working on a Lesson Plan for an informal one for my Reserve Organization and have been pushing for mandatory AS training for everyone so much so I spent my own time and money getting my Patrol response to an Active Shooter certification from the NTOA many years ago) I would never train the whole organization to conduct AS response based on having a long gun present.

What I would do is ensure (if the "powers-that-be" ever see the light and let me conduct this training) that they know where a long gun would fall within the team at various situations. Just like when I was helping train my Army Reserve unit (who are now downrange - may God watch over them and keep them safe) in these types of tactics, we conducted all of it with rifles only.

As Beat Trash stated (above): "Train with the equipment you have, not with what you wished you had." Reality sucks and the reality is most of the members of M4C are probably better equipped to respond to AS scenarios than most LE Agencies. Any instructor who base their training on nice-to-have equipment are only doing their students a very huge dis-service. JM2CW.

Sounds like you and I are very much on the same page. I am trying to get some more comprehensive training available to our guys and would value your input. I am hoping to get "Patrol Rifle Instructor" and "Active Shooter" certified myself so I can offer more than just the few hours we get at "Use of Force" three times year.

Ill PM you my contact info.