2009 Michigan 3 Gun Championship


Championship Match
There will be a minimum of 8 Stages
5 Stages will be Blind – You’ll have to think in Real Time
1 Stage you’ll start out disoriented and have to figure things out
You’ll be Blasting a Door Open
You’ll be Breaching another Door and a Locked Gate
There’s going to be smoke, fire, mines and some knife work
There might be a Night Vision Stage
There might even be a couple of belt fed Machine Guns
Maybe a .50 cal. Ma Deuce

This match will Challenge your
Decision making skills
Ability to shoot accurately from various positions
Navigating Buildings, Hallways and Rooms
Determine Threat from Non-Threats
In Daylight and Total Darkness
Testing your Gun Handling Skills
And see if your Gear will hold up thru the whole Match

Check out the website for application info
or Register at the Match

Register Early before August 1st and Save $25

Limit of 80 Shooters

Make sure you and your Friends get in

If you want to help Set-Up, RO and Shoot the Match, Let me know

Thank You
