Quote Originally Posted by SHIVAN View Post
If that is what I had ONLY, and I knew it was "for keeps"....me and that moose would be fixing to have a shooting contest.

I guarantee I can get 2-4 shots out of an 870 and hit 4" clay birds at distance moving in just a second or so. The head and face of a moose, even if charging, would be a cakewalk in comparison. Then again, I know WTF I am doing in that regard.

That being said, he was set up to fail from the start. No trapping or other survival skills? Yikes.
It is much easier to break a clay pigeon, at any distance, than to bring down Northern duck. They take a solid hit to bring down, with a 28-30 inch barrel. If you can hit anything flying at 40 m.p.h. at 60 yds with an 18 inch barrel, while starving, that is very good shooting. Most guys could not hit that duck, let alone bring it down.

Number 2 steel shot, is not an ideal Moose load. I don't know if he even had any other options for ammunition for big game.

I have hunted and taken Western Canada Moose. I can tell you many guys would not want to stand in front on an angry, rutting Bull with a shotgun without slugs and calmly get the job done. A frontal neck shot with steel shot, would be unlikely to break the C spine on a bull moose. I don't think that anything is a cakewalk about standing in front of a charging 1,200-1,500 lb. animal who will stomp you pancake flat, or gore you like a shiskabob, when all you have is a shotgun. You may kill it, but can you stop it before you are road kill....