LOL I found this this afternoon while looking for more chilimac....

MRE #19, Beef Roast with Vegetables

10 The real beef in this meal startled the entire staff. After tasting other meat meals, they'd grown accustomed to spongy substitutes. "It's a Midwestern delight--in a bag," was one comment. The potatoes, however, were a different story. Very pasty, they tasted like they came straight from a can. "But the thrill of real beef overcame that shortcoming."

MRE #2, Pork Rib with New England Style Clam Chowder

9 The pork rib was so good and realistic, one taster said, "I swear I could taste bone marrow." And the thick and creamy clam chowder looked and tasted like it was shipped from Boston. The consensus: "The clam chowder is very tasty. But you need to warm it to really enjoy it."

MRE #12, Veggie Burger with Barbecue Sauce

8 Surprisingly yummy. Hands down the most unexpected entree in the batch. The staff approached the veggie burger like Bambi at a rifle range convention, timidly. But a taster said, "It tastes more like meat than the beef-type entrees. It has surprisingly good flavor. Definitely a meal I'd eat again." Everyone agreed. If only all vegetarian cuisine was this good.

MRE #13, Cheese Tortellini

7 Tops the list for the Italian fare. "Smells great and is very tomatoey. It looks good, too--like a normal dish. It's creamy, a good meal, overall."

MRE #15, Beef Enchiladas with Picante Sauce

6 The best of the south-of-the-border entrees. "It has a spicy-Mexicany taste worth trading for. The picante sauce has kick and mixes well with the enchilada."

MRE #10, Chili Mac

5 Get what you pay for in this meal. No false advertising here. "Just what I expected--a good-tasting chili mac. An American classic--dig in!"

MRE #3, Beef Ravioli

4 Another Italian meal in the "it's-hard-to-mess-this-up" category. "Not a bad deal. It tastes better than Chef Boy-R-Dee. And it looks good--always a plus."

MRE #21, Chicken Tetrazzini

3 "Looks like a school lunch." Although the staff agreed it tasted yummy, the texture was a bit disturbing. "Sticks to teeth and gums a bit, but it's really good.

MRE #16, Chicken with Noodles

2 An old reliable and close kissing cousin to chicken tetrazzini--and with the same disturbing problem. The taste was great, "but the consistency was kind of weird. It stuck together like cow saliva [Napoleon's grenadiers would have loved that]. But looks were deceiving."

MRE #8, Beef Patty with Mexican Mac & Cheese

1 The mac and cheese side dish kept this entree from falling off the list. The beef patty was unreal--as in not real. "It was kind of like a 'Mexican Sponge Bob.'"

Best of the Worst