I'm taking a trip in a few weeks to the Carribbean and want to take my Surefire E2D with me. If one of the TSA pukes asks about the strike bezel I'm sure I can explain that they are vent holes because the lens can get warm.

However, my concern is with the batteries...Surefire Lithium Batteries. I only use Surefire brand batteries in my lights, and they say Lithium right on the battery. From the TSA website:

research also shows that an explosion will not result from shorting or damaging either lithium-ion or primary lithium batteries. Both are, however, extremely flammable. Primary lithium batteries cannot be extinguished with firefighting agents normally carried on aircraft, whereas lithium-ion batteries are easily extinguished by most common extinguishing agents, including those carried on board commercial aircraft.

Will these batteries pose a problem? I don't plan on carrying the light through the TSA checkpoint...it'll just be in my carry-on bag along with 3 spares batteries.

What do you all think? Will I get hassled about this flashlight? Or will some illiterate punk think its some sort of hazard and confiscate it? Please let me know of your input. Thanks!