Yup, no chrome on Yugoslavian rifles, that includes SKS's.

Various theories........Yugoslavia did not have enough chromium deposits, another is that since they weren't a member of the Warsaw Pact, they didn't have access to the technology (which I find very hard to believe), and yet another reason is that they wanted their rifles to have a more accurate barrel.....

Who knows for sure?

I have an original Mitchell Arms import from '89. Great rifle, very much "over built". Just clean your rifle and no worries.

The vast majority of the Yugo kits that came in had trashed barrels. They were issued to Bosnian Serb militia (thugs) who had almost zero military discipline, and weapons maintence was probably at the lowest possible priority for them......certainly much lower than ethnic cleansing, rape, and torture. The rifles were turned into the Bosnian gov't. after peace broke out, and kept in storage. They were then sold on the international market, many ending up in Africa, the middle east, and more than a few cut up and sold as scrap to US civillian shooters.