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Thread: 9/11 ...

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Outlander Systems View Post
    This country committed suicide. Thanks, mostly, to boomers.

    Trillions of dollars in debt and a culture happy to flush its rights down the toilet. We really showed those terrorists, didn’t we?

    Quote Originally Posted by jpmuscle View Post
    Take a knee and inject your Prozium

    But seriously though I don’t think we can objectively say America post 9/11 is better than pre 9/11 America sadly.

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    I didn’t say anything about the bigger picture of GWOT and how it’s changed our country. I asked what a boomer #neverforget meme is, because it sounds like he’s just talking shit about people sharing remembrance posts on social media. And I pointed out the fact that comparing the death toll of 9/11 to people dying of heart disease, which he related to McDonalds, is stupid AF.

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    Sic semper tyrannis.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpmuscle View Post
    Basically this. Sad really. Atleast we’re getting flavored ECigs banned.

    All aside the Trade Center memorial in NYC is very well done imo.

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    I was fine until he equated being a victim of terrorism with death by natural selection via McDonalds. Everyone is going to die and if it's french fries that get me, I don't blame the french. And that a big difference between a mostly natural cause and being on a plane flown into a building or being in a building that had a plane flown into it.

    As for the memorial, I know I'm cynical but I see a hole in the ground. I want to see something built from the bones of our dead enemies...all of them. It's been almost 20 years and I'm still not ok with it. I know it's wrong and would have resulted in lots of collateral damage including innocent people who had nothing to do with it and couldn't have prevented it if they tried, but if we went off the rails and went tactical nukes on selected sites I don't think it would have been much more wrong than what we actually did.

    We could have just called it conversion by microSieverts.
    It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.

    Chuck, we miss ya man.


  3. #13
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    KSM (khalid sheik mohamed/yeah I probably butchered his name, but I'm over it) is still not dead. He's eating food we paid for, living rent free and waiting for his trial. Fry the savage and bury him with 20 lb of rotten pork. That's why I was glad they put the bullets into Osama's head instead of taking him prisoner. The pig would still be alive today and be their hero. The SEALS did it right, fill him up with lead and dump him in the water.

    KSM should have suffered the same.

    Riots are like sports, it's better to watch it on TV at home.

  4. #14
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    9/11 was a resounding victory.

    OBL stated he wanted to change Americans’ way of life and he certainly did.
    PATRIOT ACT Safely still in effect
    Privacy a quaint relic
    Forever Wars
    A schism within America that has only grown deeper
    Radical ideas being forwarded by elected officials that would have been considered extreme for the even the most thoroughly Liberal politician 20 years ago.
    A distinct loss of liberty that has been noticeable.
    And people chomping at the bit to start another Cold War

    Dig this: 20 years ago....

    The future looked pretty bright
    Vladimir Putin’s Russia was seriously considering joining NATO
    Western Europe didn’t have all these problems
    The migrant crisis was nothing that it is now
    China was kept at a distance but in check despite the payola.
    Cancel Culture didn’t exist
    Race relations were the most amiable they’d ever been in 50 years.
    Air Travel was easy.
    We had essentially world peace. we are.

    18 years. Seems like yesterday.
    I won’t pretend to know the woulda shoulda coulda but I do know this....

    I wish we had been more adult about it. I wish we didn’t go all Buenos Aires (The only good bug is a dead bug). I wish we’d collectively took a step back and weighed the options better.

    I wish we’d rebuilt the Twin Towers to the exact same specs as if to say “We can rebuild. We are not changing for you or anyone else”

    I wish we didn’t take the bait. I wish people hadn’t capitalized on the nation’s emotional scarring.

    And most of all, I wish the young man or woman turning 18 today could have known what September 10, 2001 felt like. It was a Monday. No cares in the world. The biggest moral issue was stem cell research. You had Cable News that didn’t have constant news tickers scrolling by and nothing devolved into a shouting match. People could disagree with a smile.

    Gas was just under a dollar a gallon.

    You were more free to find yourself and travel. You could speak your mind and the worst that could happen was someone saying “I think you’re full of shit but okay”. No losing a job. No harassment. No being called a Nazi.

    You’d have been shocked that is was the Liberal Left who were telling the dirty jokes with no limits. Nobody got mad, people just laughed it off.

    There were real opportunities.

    It was a positive and optimistic time. It wasn’t so tacky as a presumption of being like the 80s or 90s. Those days were thankfully gone. We had the future. We were the future. We were reaching people. We were doing things. We didn’t want a rehash of someone else’s time. It was our own.

    And it was stolen from us.

    Wish you could have been there. Because in 18 more years these will be the Good ol’ days.

    Some of you reading this now will not be here to see that.
    And perhaps that may be more blessing than curse.

    But my advice to anyone would be to enjoy what you have now and to never forget.

    And not in some cheap tragedy porn, crisis fetishizing. But never forget 9-10-2001. That last free day of the last free Americans.

    Never forget what was taken from you. But also accept that you simply aren’t going to get it back.

    Sorry we ripped you off. We carried away. We thought it was Pearl Harbor and after 5 years of kicking someone’s ass in a righteous war; we’d have a Post-War boom where everyone appreciated what we had more than ever had before. We were going to put it behind us on focus on living.

    Didn’t work out thst way.

    Sorry ‘bout that.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Outlander Systems View Post
    It should be remembered as a historical marker insofar as delineating the singular point whereby we can determine that this country and culture started circling the drain.
    All generations have such a singular point. According to Hannity and Lynne Cheney, it was a weekend in the summer of '69. They claimed that America was a paradise (ed. Note: if you were white) where people didn't lock their doors at night, where there was no crime, drugs, unwanted pregnancy, or any other such ills. And then one weekend half a million hippies converged on Max Yasgur's farm, and when it was over, they fanned out over the countryside, spreading depravity in their wake. I am not making this up: those two did indeed broadcast this curious theory over the airwaves one afternoon about 10 or 12 years ago.

    Oh, by the way: Can you imagine the howling if Obama had invited Taliban terrorists to US soil for a palaver? On the week of 9-11? They'd be screaming "Traitor . . . Muslim . . . . etc" as loud as they could.
    Last edited by Uni-Vibe; 09-11-19 at 22:13.

  6. #16
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    If your takeaway from the GWOT is that muslims would be moderated if only we forced more "democracy" on them... maybe you should be paying attention more and bitching about boomers less.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    9/11 was a resounding victory.

    OBL stated he wanted to change Americans’ way of life and he certainly did.
    PATRIOT ACT Safely still in effect
    Privacy a quaint relic
    Forever Wars
    A schism within America that has only grown deeper
    Radical ideas being forwarded by elected officials that would have been considered extreme for the even the most thoroughly Liberal politician 20 years ago.
    A distinct loss of liberty that has been noticeable.
    And people chomping at the bit to start another Cold War

    Dig this: 20 years ago....

    The future looked pretty bright
    Vladimir Putin’s Russia was seriously considering joining NATO
    Western Europe didn’t have all these problems
    The migrant crisis was nothing that it is now
    China was kept at a distance but in check despite the payola.
    Cancel Culture didn’t exist
    Race relations were the most amiable they’d ever been in 50 years.
    Air Travel was easy.
    We had essentially world peace. we are.

    18 years. Seems like yesterday.
    I won’t pretend to know the woulda shoulda coulda but I do know this....

    I wish we had been more adult about it. I wish we didn’t go all Buenos Aires (The only good bug is a dead bug). I wish we’d collectively took a step back and weighed the options better.

    I wish we’d rebuilt the Twin Towers to the exact same specs as if to say “We can rebuild. We are not changing for you or anyone else”

    I wish we didn’t take the bait. I wish people hadn’t capitalized on the nation’s emotional scarring.

    And most of all, I wish the young man or woman turning 18 today could have known what September 10, 2001 felt like. It was a Monday. No cares in the world. The biggest moral issue was stem cell research. You had Cable News that didn’t have constant news tickers scrolling by and nothing devolved into a shouting match. People could disagree with a smile.

    Gas was just under a dollar a gallon.

    You were more free to find yourself and travel. You could speak your mind and the worst that could happen was someone saying “I think you’re full of shit but okay”. No losing a job. No harassment. No being called a Nazi.

    You’d have been shocked that is was the Liberal Left who were telling the dirty jokes with no limits. Nobody got mad, people just laughed it off.

    There were real opportunities.

    It was a positive and optimistic time. It wasn’t so tacky as a presumption of being like the 80s or 90s. Those days were thankfully gone. We had the future. We were the future. We were reaching people. We were doing things. We didn’t want a rehash of someone else’s time. It was our own.

    And it was stolen from us.

    Wish you could have been there. Because in 18 more years these will be the Good ol’ days.

    Some of you reading this now will not be here to see that.
    And perhaps that may be more blessing than curse.

    But my advice to anyone would be to enjoy what you have now and to never forget.

    And not in some cheap tragedy porn, crisis fetishizing. But never forget 9-10-2001. That last free day of the last free Americans.

    Never forget what was taken from you. But also accept that you simply aren’t going to get it back.

    Sorry we ripped you off. We carried away. We thought it was Pearl Harbor and after 5 years of kicking someone’s ass in a righteous war; we’d have a Post-War boom where everyone appreciated what we had more than ever had before. We were going to put it behind us on focus on living.

    Didn’t work out thst way.

    Sorry ‘bout that.
    Needed to be said. But as much as we got robbed, at least "we" didn't have to jump out of a burning building because it seemed like the best option.

    The worst thing of all is if our government worked the way it was supposed to, it might have all been preventable. If our government put the same effort they invested into Ruby Ridge and Waco, these guys might never have made it onto the plane.
    It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.

    Chuck, we miss ya man.


  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    18 years. Seems like yesterday.
    I won’t pretend to know the woulda shoulda coulda but I do know this....

    But my advice to anyone would be to enjoy what you have now and to never forget.

    And not in some cheap tragedy porn, crisis fetishizing. But never forget 9-10-2001. That last free day of the last free Americans.

    Never forget what was taken from you. But also accept that you simply aren’t going to get it back.

    Sorry we ripped you off. We carried away. We thought it was Pearl Harbor and after 5 years of kicking someone’s ass in a righteous war; we’d have a Post-War boom where everyone appreciated what we had more than ever had before. We were going to put it behind us on focus on living.

    Didn’t work out thst way.

    Sorry ‘bout that.
    "Once we get some iron in our souls, we'll get some iron in our hands..."

    "...A rapid, aggressive response will let you get away with some pretty audacious things if you are willing to be mean, fast, and naked."-Failure2Stop

    "The Right can meme; the Left can organize. I guess now we know which one is important." - Random internet comment

  9. #19
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    We should also never forget the retards that say stupid shit on or about 9/11. These people cant help but make anti-American Freudian slips. They can do far more damage to America than a bunch of stone age muslims hiding in caves in with AKs and you dont need to look far to find them.

    Last edited by vicious_cb; 09-12-19 at 02:32.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uni-Vibe View Post
    All generations have such a singular point. According to Hannity and Lynne Cheney, it was a weekend in the summer of '69. They claimed that America was a paradise (ed. Note: if you were white) where people didn't lock their doors at night, where there was no crime, drugs, unwanted pregnancy, or any other such ills. And then one weekend half a million hippies converged on Max Yasgur's farm, and when it was over, they fanned out over the countryside, spreading depravity in their wake. I am not making this up: those two did indeed broadcast this curious theory over the airwaves one afternoon about 10 or 12 years ago.

    Oh, by the way: Can you imagine the howling if Obama had invited Taliban terrorists to US soil for a palaver? On the week of 9-11? They'd be screaming "Traitor . . . Muslim . . . . etc" as loud as they could.
    You know, not much in this post I find fault with.

    9/11 was a tragedy. We should always remember. We were attacked. It was a tragedy.

    But, we let it take control of our lives, giving up freedoms we shouldn't have ever been asked to give up.

    Admitting that doesn't do a disservice to those who died that day.
    Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President... - Theodore Roosevelt, Lincoln and Free Speech, Metropolitan Magazine, Volume 47, Number 6, May 1918.

    Every Communist must grasp the truth. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party Mao Zedong, 6 November, 1938 - speech to the Communist Patry of China's sixth Central Committee

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