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Thread: Should You Avoid red meat? Probably not...

  1. #1
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    Should You Avoid red meat? Probably not...

    Good read here. There's no doubt at all that red meat can be part of healthy nutritional approach and long held beliefs being questioned hard:

    Eat Less Red Meat, Scientists Said. Now Some Believe That Was Bad Advice.

    Public health officials for years have urged Americans to limit consumption of red meat and processed meats because of concerns that these foods are linked to heart disease, cancer and other ills.

    But on Monday, in a remarkable turnabout, an international collaboration of researchers produced a series of analyses concluding that the advice, a bedrock of almost all dietary guidelines, is not backed by good scientific evidence.

    If there are health benefits from eating less beef and pork, they are small, the researchers concluded. Indeed, the advantages are so faint that they can be discerned only when looking at large populations, the scientists said, and are not sufficient to tell individuals to change their meat-eating habits.

    “The certainty of evidence for these risk reductions was low to very low,” said Bradley Johnston, an epidemiologist at Dalhousie University in Canada and leader of the group publishing the new research in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

    The new analyses are among the largest such evaluations ever attempted and may influence future dietary recommendations. In many ways, they raise uncomfortable questions about dietary advice and nutritional research, and what sort of standards these studies should be held to.

    Already they have been met with fierce criticism by public health researchers. The American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and other groups have savaged the findings and the journal that published them.

    Some called for the journal’s editors to delay publication altogether. In a statement, scientists at Harvard warned that the conclusions “harm the credibility of nutrition science and erode public trust in scientific research.”

    Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a group advocating a plant-based diet, on Wednesday filed a petition against the journal with the Federal Trade Commission. Dr. Frank Sacks, past chair of the American Heart Association’s nutrition committee, called the research “fatally flawed.”

    - Will

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  2. #2
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    Carnivore diet FTW

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpmuscle View Post
    Carnivore diet FTW
    Yep. Just for them, I think I'm gonna have an extra sirloin at lunch tomorrow...

    #PeopleEatingTastyAnimals #CultOfTheDeadCow
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  4. #4
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    Let's see, salt, coffee, eggs, red meat are all going to kill me until they aren't.
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  5. #5
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    I see this as just a confirmation of having a balanced diet.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arik View Post
    I see this as just a confirmation of having a balanced diet.
    Exactly. Eat a quality balanced diet, control total cals, get some exercise, drink moderately. Done.

    While I take and recommend some supplements, and there's additional strategies for those who want to do it, it's no more complicated than the above.

    Making it complicated is essential to selling programs, books, etc.
    - Will

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  7. #7
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    In a perfect world grass fed beef would be 99 cents a pound and TEST Cyp would be available OTC.

    That said I love what Mark Bell has been doing with respect to promoting heavy beef diets and keto in general (even if he’s not a qual’d nutritionist whatever). But there is certainly nothing complicated about it. Consume your BW in both protein and fats daily and tweak from there.

    I will say it’s nice being satiated all the time and not being OCD about meal prepping and calorie tracking. In years past when I was powerlifting I was consuming 5500 calories a day with 450 grams of carbs daily which was a total pita, even at a BW of 235. That’s a lot of ****ing rice. Then you get into carb cycling and what not.

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpmuscle View Post

    In a perfect world grass fed beef would be 99 cents a pound and TEST Cyp would be available OTC.

    That said I love what Mark Bell has been doing with respect to promoting heavy beef diets and keto in general (even if he’s not a qual’d nutritionist whatever). But there is certainly nothing complicated about it. Consume your BW in both protein and fats daily and tweak from there.

    I will say it’s nice being satiated all the time and not being OCD about meal prepping and calorie tracking. In years past when I was powerlifting I was consuming 5500 calories a day with 450 grams of carbs daily which was a total pita, even at a BW of 235. That’s a lot of ****ing rice. Then you get into carb cycling and what not.

    It is in lots of countries.
    - Will

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  9. #9
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    Makes me feel better about the prime rib-cap steak I had for lunch ��
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by WillBrink View Post
    It is in lots of countries.
    As it should be here.

    Atleast I can still buy Marlboro 100s if I want lung cancer.

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