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Thread: Impeachment

  1. #601
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uni-Vibe View Post
    By the way, Ivanka Trump, of all people, gets it right about the whistle blower. His ID and credibility are of no moment.

    It's like a situation where anonymous tipster tells law enforcement that drugs are being sold out of a house. Detective has no idea of who the tipster is, how he knows what he says he knows, whether he has a motive for good or ill. But they set up surveillance and have an undercover agent or a confidential informant do a couple of buy walks. Sure enough, the tipster is corroborated and the buy walks give independent probable cause to search and arrest. Law enforcement simply doesn't need the tipster now, or care who he is.

    This isn't what the Hannitys are telling the redcaps, but this is how it works in the real world.

    Ivanka gets it, somehow. Her sister is at Georgetown Law, maybe she squared her away.
    Except that couldn't be further from the truth in this situation.
    11C2P '83-'87
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  2. #602
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uni-Vibe View Post
    By the way, Ivanka Trump, of all people, gets it right about the whistle blower. His ID and credibility are of no moment.

    Other than he was the excuse to launch yet another waste of time, money and effort. To me, IF he "colluded" (don't you just love that word?) with Schiff, this needs to be exposed. The more the swamp is drained, the more will be reveled of the trash that is settled there just below the surface. It is way past time to not only "drain the swamp" but to pave over it so that it's once again productive and useful.

    NRA Life Member

  3. #603
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABNAK View Post
    Why do I sense a reluctance, when it's the Conservative's turn outside the White House, to do to the enemy exactly what they're doing to us? Not all of you guys, but some of you have this chivalrous, noble, holier-than-thou, we're-better-than-that attitude. Better give that shit up and throw it to the wayside. You're delusional if you think the Left will come to their senses because you were playing nicey-nice. They will see that as weakness and continue to push.

    Times have changed fellas. This ain't the good ole days where we argue with each other in Congress then go have a beer afterwards together because the R's and D's were really not that far apart. The Left is the enemy, and should be dealt with as such. Every level of nastiness that they assume should be met with equal or greater nastiness.

    No, it is the Left vs the Right nowadays (as the parties themselves really aren't far apart!). There is a growing chasm in this country. Better pick a side. Stand in the "Mushy-Middle" because you're "better than that" and you're an idiot that the Left will continue to play like a fiddle.

    I despise the Left, even if that encompasses almost half this country (the true % probably waxes and wanes but I'd say at least 40+% at any given time). They despise us too. Therefore I have NO desire to join hands and sing kumbaya, because remember what their idea of "compromise" means: you give up something, they give up nothing.

    The modern Left is a freak-show of epic proportions. You want to "compromise" with that? I sure as hell don't. In true Conservative fashion (not Republican) I just want to be left alone. But that isn't good enough for them. They want to ram their agenda down your throat and expect you not only to accept it but rejoice and revel in the freak-show of whacked-out policies. Of course any means to resist or push back against that insanity (i.e. free speech and of course GUNS) is to be removed and dismantled.

    Some of you guys need to wise up in the next year or so or you'll be the expected tool of the Left.
    I agree, I despise the far left as it has manifest itself. Just look at California. Once a beautiful state, now slowing being covered in human filth and decadence. Despite their views, we would be no better than them clubbing them into submission with our doctrine. Yes, it's battle to the death and we must not fail. But oppressing the opposition is not the best way to accomplish that. We have failed because we were too busy making a living to see the undermining of our institutions of the press, government and education. When we realized the situation, it was too hard to fix. We caved to the left's tantrums and demands. If you continue to ignore the broken toilet, eventually it will overflow and you have a choice; fix it or blame the company who made it. Either way you have to deal with it or you're going to regret it sooner than later. We should have been electing Senators and Representatives that were willing to fight and suffer the bruises. Instead too often we chose those who delivered the pork back home.

    NRA Life Member

  4. #604
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uni-Vibe View Post
    By the way, Ivanka Trump, of all people, gets it right about the whistle blower. His ID and credibility are of no moment.

    It's like a situation where anonymous tipster tells law enforcement that drugs are being sold out of a house. Detective has no idea of who the tipster is, how he knows what he says he knows, whether he has a motive for good or ill. But they set up surveillance and have an undercover agent or a confidential informant do a couple of buy walks. Sure enough, the tipster is corroborated and the buy walks give independent probable cause to search and arrest. Law enforcement simply doesn't need the tipster now, or care who he is.

    This isn't what the Hannitys are telling the redcaps, but this is how it works in the real world.

    Ivanka gets it, somehow. Her sister is at Georgetown Law, maybe she squared her away.
    This is a terrible analogy. Let me give you a good analogy instead. Replace drugs with firearms from his personal collection. Tipster pretends the guns are illegal and he’s selling them without a license. ATF investigates and finds out the guns are legal, personally owned and doesn’t require a license to sell, but goes ahead and gins up a false narrative to prosecute him anyway. Leaks only information which looks bad out of context so as to taint the jury pool, and withholds exculpatory evidence. Oh and that tipster? He in fact works for an actual illegal arms dealer who wants to knock off the competition.

    Now you have what’s happening here. Sondland was exactly correct in telling Taylor there was no quid pro quo and to stfu, because Taylor was trying to torpedo any hopes of getting the truth about 2016 Ukrainian election meddling. The Ukrainians were always going to get the money because had they not, Trump WOULD have committed an impeachable offense. Trump never got his public investigation announcement out of Zelensky and they got the money anyway. No. Crime.

    Did Trump make mistakes? Absolutely. Most importantly he should’ve fired every SFS level executive at DoS who ever worked for Obama or Bush. At the very least shuffle them off to dead end posts with no real consequence if they act out. He never should’ve used Giuliani either.

    Perhaps take a hardline anti-corruption type and make them a “Czar” so as to make it official. Someone non-political and unassailable, who has a fetish for absolute secrecy. Someone who also understands misinformation campaigns and spy traps. Someone you either cooperate with or you’re fired.

    It’s amazing to me that even after almost 3 years in office, Trump is still surrounded by enemies. Granted he’s been prevented from exercising many of his more foolish impulses by people that may frustrate him but were ultimately looking out for him, but in every case it seems someone leaks and the press go into full shark mode over something that never happened.

    The one thing that’s absolutely worse than Trump, are people and powers that refuse to admit he’s ever had a single success. Imagine where we’d be if they engaged him and worked with him rather than against him? Granted it’s not like there’s a book out there that tells them exactly how to do that. Oh... wait... There is.
    Last edited by glocktogo; 11-09-19 at 09:57.
    What if this whole crusade's a charade?
    And behind it all there's a price to be paid
    For the blood which we dine
    Justified in the name of the holy and the divine…

  5. #605
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABNAK View Post
    Why do I sense a reluctance, when it's the Conservative's turn outside the White House, to do to the enemy exactly what they're doing to us? Not all of you guys, but some of you have this chivalrous, noble, holier-than-thou, we're-better-than-that attitude. Better give that shit up and throw it to the wayside. You're delusional if you think the Left will come to their senses because you were playing nicey-nice. They will see that as weakness and continue to push.

    Times have changed fellas. This ain't the good ole days where we argue with each other in Congress then go have a beer afterwards together because the R's and D's were really not that far apart. The Left is the enemy, and should be dealt with as such. Every level of nastiness that they assume should be met with equal or greater nastiness.

    No, it is the Left vs the Right nowadays (as the parties themselves really aren't far apart!). There is a growing chasm in this country. Better pick a side. Stand in the "Mushy-Middle" because you're "better than that" and you're an idiot that the Left will continue to play like a fiddle.

    I despise the Left, even if that encompasses almost half this country (the true % probably waxes and wanes but I'd say at least 40+% at any given time). They despise us too. Therefore I have NO desire to join hands and sing kumbaya, because remember what their idea of "compromise" means: you give up something, they give up nothing.

    The modern Left is a freak-show of epic proportions. You want to "compromise" with that? I sure as hell don't. In true Conservative fashion (not Republican) I just want to be left alone. But that isn't good enough for them. They want to ram their agenda down your throat and expect you not only to accept it but rejoice and revel in the freak-show of whacked-out policies. Of course any means to resist or push back against that insanity (i.e. free speech and of course GUNS) is to be removed and dismantled.

    Some of you guys need to wise up in the next year or so or you'll be the expected tool of the Left.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  6. #606
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    Quote Originally Posted by No.6 View Post
    I agree, I despise the far left as it has manifest itself. Just look at California. Once a beautiful state, now slowing being covered in human filth and decadence. Despite their views, we would be no better than them clubbing them into submission with our doctrine. Yes, it's battle to the death and we must not fail. But oppressing the opposition is not the best way to accomplish that. We have failed because we were too busy making a living to see the undermining of our institutions of the press, government and education. When we realized the situation, it was too hard to fix. We caved to the left's tantrums and demands. If you continue to ignore the broken toilet, eventually it will overflow and you have a choice; fix it or blame the company who made it. Either way you have to deal with it or you're going to regret it sooner than later. We should have been electing Senators and Representatives that were willing to fight and suffer the bruises. Instead too often we chose those who delivered the pork back home.
    Coulda shoulda woulda. It's water under the bridge man. We have to deal with the here and now, not what "might" have been.

    As far as how we voted in the past goes, well sometimes you gotta hold your nose (mainly because of that Mushy Middle type). I was going to vote for Fred Thompson in the 2008 primary but he dropped out before it ever got to Tennessee. I voted for Cruz in the primary last time. I voted against our RINO Senator Alexander his last primary time too. Of course in the general election then what is one to do? The more "level heads" (read: Mushy Middle) got their way with a RINO so you can either vote the lesser of two evils or watch the greater evil win. I didn't design the system, I just have to play along.

    I have decided though that especially when it comes to the White House, I will NEVER vote GOPe again, even if that means a POS Dem wins. Of course I'll NEVER hit a "D" lever but will pass that box over on the ballot.
    11C2P '83-'87
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  7. #607
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    Quote Originally Posted by No.6 View Post
    Been awhile since I've visited here. Just want to leave a prediction (and for God's sake don't even think I'm advocating this). I would not be the least bit surprised if the "hearsay whistleblower" ends up committing Clintoncide or somehow ends up assuming room temperature in the near future. Sure would be convenient not to have to testify before congress....
    I mean, what do you think the statement on "Oh noes, our client is in physical jeopardy because of Trump 'rhetoric' is getting at? Set up the dominoes so they can knock them down later if need be...

    Quote Originally Posted by No.6 View Post
    And as sweet as that would be, then nothing gets done (OK, so sometimes that's a better situation) and we end up with the party not in the WH, trying to "stick it to" the party that occupies the White House in a long continuous downward spiral for the country.
    Good. Let them fight. While they bicker, maybe they'll leave the rest of us alone.
    "Once we get some iron in our souls, we'll get some iron in our hands..."

    "...A rapid, aggressive response will let you get away with some pretty audacious things if you are willing to be mean, fast, and naked."-Failure2Stop

    "The Right can meme; the Left can organize. I guess now we know which one is important." - Random internet comment

  8. #608
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    If Trump had explicitly ask for a “dirt“ on the Bibens then you might have an argument about the whole corruption, quid pro quo, getting something of value for the political campaign. But the reality is the Biden’s are dirty, even their own allies looked at what Hunter was doing and said this is bullshit. More and more is coming out about how Hunter played the daddy card.

    And all of this disparaging of the crowd strike and Ukrainian influence on the anti-Trump campaign is all from the people who insisted that there was a there there for the dossier. Why in the fudge would we believe these people? Maybe there’s nothing there, but we sure as hell have more on the Bidens than there ever was on Trump in the dossier.

    The John song articles that are coming out. If Don Junior Had done what Hunter did l, they would be screaming from the rooftops.

    Once again they’re trying to impeach him for him for powers that are totally within his bounds. We are back to all of this intense BS. They see bad intent in Trump so what would be normally legal actions are illegal actions, versus with Hillary’s illegal action was made benign because of her good intentions. Funny how they always gets to decide the intent
    The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES our right to own and bear arms that are in common use that can be used for lawful purposes. The arms can be restricted ONLY if subject to historical analogue from the founding era or is dangerous (unsafe) AND unusual.

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  9. #609
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    Quote Originally Posted by FromMyColdDeadHand View Post
    If Trump had explicitly ask for a “dirt“ on the Bibens then you might have an argument about the whole corruption, quid pro quo, getting something of value for the political campaign. But the reality is the Biden’s are dirty, even their own allies looked at what Hunter was doing and said this is bullshit. More and more is coming out about how Hunter played the daddy card.

    And all of this disparaging of the crowd strike and Ukrainian influence on the anti-Trump campaign is all from the people who insisted that there was a there there for the dossier. Why in the fudge would we believe these people? Maybe there’s nothing there, but we sure as hell have more on the Bidens than there ever was on Trump in the dossier.

    The John song articles that are coming out. If Don Junior Had done what Hunter did l, they would be screaming from the rooftops.

    Once again they’re trying to impeach him for him for powers that are totally within his bounds. We are back to all of this intense BS. They see bad intent in Trump so what would be normally legal actions are illegal actions, versus with Hillary’s illegal action was made benign because of her good intentions. Funny how they always gets to decide the intent
    I love how the get to perpetually investigate for 3 years and the second they see Trump trying to investigate them it’s “but there’s absolutely no evidence Hunter and Joe did anything wrong!” As they do everything in their power to prevent any investigation at all.
    What if this whole crusade's a charade?
    And behind it all there's a price to be paid
    For the blood which we dine
    Justified in the name of the holy and the divine…

  10. #610
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    Quote Originally Posted by glocktogo View Post
    I love how the get to perpetually investigate for 3 years and the second they see Trump trying to investigate them it’s “but there’s absolutely no evidence Hunter and Joe did anything wrong!” As they do everything in their power to prevent any investigation at all.
    This is absolutely insane because they have Biden doing exactly what they are trying to say Trump did.
    It was either a political move to withhold money, or something needed to be looked in to before we gave them more money. Otherwise Biden wanted the Prosecutor out of the way and Trump wanted dirt on the Biden's.

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