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Thread: Freedom loses the fight. What then?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Identify as a firearmsexual polygamist, marry all my firearms in addition to my wife, claim minority oppression if anyone tries to seperate me from any of my wives.

    Have my wife do the same.

    Get corn rows, start wearing a LOT of salmon colored LaCrosse shirts and socks with Birkenstocks.

    Always talk about how hot it was at the range with my wives because **** other people, we have to have homosexuality shoved in our faces, they can have firearmsexuality shoved in theirs.

    I'm sure we're somehow 1/64 jewish as well being of european heritage, so we'll also claim antisemitism for good measure.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Everybody just continues to do nothing, lay low, and just go along so they don't get in trouble, jeopardize their jobs and comfortable lifestyle, and schedules. But they'll all have plenty of excuses just like now in 2020. Its already lost. We are already there...the Socialist Republic of America land of diversity, inclusion, and social justice for all. Look around and tell me thats not the way it is.
    You won't outvote the corruption.
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColtSeavers View Post
    Identify as a firearmsexual polygamist, marry all my firearms in addition to my wife, claim minority oppression if anyone tries to seperate me from any of my wives.

    Have my wife do the same.

    Get corn rows, start wearing a LOT of salmon colored LaCrosse shirts and socks with Birkenstocks.

    Always talk about how hot it was at the range with my wives because **** other people, we have to have homosexuality shoved in our faces, they can have firearmsexuality shoved in theirs.

    I'm sure we're somehow 1/64 jewish as well being of european heritage, so we'll also claim antisemitism for good measure.
    I'm a good bit more than 1/64 Jewish, but the modern day SA hates Jews as much as the first, and anti-semitism is worshipped in their ranks. All they need is to wear brown shirts.


  4. #14
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    Reckon I have to ask what have you done ?

    Things are very comfy food on shelves etc... family is safe etc...
    as we all type this from some form of computer using the internet most likely food in belly and comfy house etc... I can see why nobody wants to go to jail because some idiots are doing things
    And what can you do against the gov folks ? Only thing we can do is vote

    Again I am not disagreeing with ya but I have to ask what should folks do ?

    Not about to murder anyone I will protect myself and family but to go out and seek them out no way

    I used to work on boats some decent size if ya know boats ? Over 50 tons I used to watch sometimes when we would come into docks isome folks think they could put a foot out or fend off the boat from the dock hahahahaha well no ya cant ya just loose your foot or leg so we would scream out get away and let the fenders take the impact etc...

    Some things in life you can not stop and are along for the ride and realize like a forest fire or earthquake the dems are on a path for destroying the country the looting rioting is what they are using now if not they would have had something else ?
    Vote be active try to educate etc...

    If the law breaks down then their is no line ? But then things are so bad and that is a whole other idiocy discussion
    Having lived in 3rd world don’t care to go their without knowing my out that is for sure

    Quote Originally Posted by prepare View Post
    Everybody just continues to do nothing, lay low, and just go along so they don't get in trouble, jeopardize their jobs and comfortable lifestyle, and schedules. But they'll all have plenty of excuses just like now in 2020. Its already lost. We are already there...the Socialist Republic of America land of diversity, inclusion, and social justice for all. Look around and tell me thats not the way it is.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyLate View Post
    The U.S. (ugly socialists) will do a South Africa and restrict the money you can take or transfer out of the country, so living in another country could be tough - start moving assets offshore now?

    Friend of mine was in South Africa and decided to leave. Sold everything he had there and bought a huge yacht with the proceeds.... Sailed it to Europe, sold it, immigrated to the states with a pocket full of cash, lol....
    The truth can only offend those who live a lie.

  6. #16
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    I will say this if by chance I was caught here and couldn't legally take my assets with me. Then I would cross over to the other side of the line with friends of mine and get my reparations and then leave in a covert method.

    We have a history of entering places in a covert manor, plus leaving places in a covert manor with things the government would murder to keep secret. We have taken the biggest secrets of countries out and also have removed thousands of citizens without getting made.

    I am not worried in the least, opposite remove any reason for me to be a good citizen and let the fun start.

  7. #17
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    If they won and took away everything from me I'd probably commit suicide
    ”Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American… The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state government, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people”
    ~Tench Coxe

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phillygunguy View Post
    If they won and took away everything from me I'd probably commit suicide
    You wouldn't fight, go down and take a few with you?
    Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who do not.-Ben Franklin

    there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.-Samwise Gamgee

  9. #19
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    The "Hide" or "Skip town" folks are why this fu$ktardation can even gain traction. There is NO end to fighting for freedom EVER.

    A large portion of gun owners disgust me. Always looking into defeat like a foregone conclusion. As long as they can hoard and hide enough for themselves, it's OK if the fight is lost.

    Back in the Clinton Ban, you'd have these FU$Ks calling out those of us who ignored the ban. Little weasel pussies. Milling off Bayo studs, Ban compliant non threaded barrels, But they rocked the Moron Labe shirts and stickers like the true warriors they were.
    "What would a $2,000 Geissele Super Duty do that a $500 PSA door buster on Black Friday couldn't do?" - Stopsign32v

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    There's way more to it than "are you a gun-owning Conservative."

    22 year old me would've grabbed all the Mosins I had and spam cans of ammo and gone full guerilla fighter because I had nothing to lose.

    36 year old me has a wife, a two year old son, and a three week old son. I have everything to lose.

    Call me whatever you want, but if it comes down to me fighting for "the republic" versus taking care of my family I'm taking door number two.

    If that means taking the cash I have saved up, abandoning my house/mortgage, and taking my family somewhere else that's what I'll do. We are already making moves to distance ourselves - home schooling, stay at home wife working off my income living within our means, no debt other than the mortgage, etc. If things magically went upside-down overnight I'd have no problem paying cash for an RV, loading the family up and walking away from everything else we own, and hitting the road with some old shotgun and revolver I paid cash for in a parking lot. The sailboat idea is pretty cool too.

    I hope there are plenty of current versions of 22 year old me who will go all in though.

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