Quote Originally Posted by kerplode View Post
Law Enforcement is an institution of The State, and exists solely to enforce The State's laws by means of force. The officers are just a means to that end. I'm sure some tiny percentage of individual officers will refuse confiscations orders, but they will simply be replaced by others who will be eager to obey.

Also, "if you're not a cop, you're a criminal" culture and mindset makes it pretty easy to justify loading up the MRAP, kicking in a door, and shooting some dude in the face at 0-dark-30 'cause his neighbor saw the AR through the window and snitched. "**** that scumbag...He should have turned that in to the buyback. Let's hit the Waffle House for some hash before we make our next call..."
I seriously doubt it will go this far!

Local LEO are our neighbors and have plenty to do aside from investigating snitch leads on possible ARs.....

It would take a federal LEO agency and would be unprecedented in history. We're talking millions! 100's of millions when you start breaking down the pieces.

Portland was burning down and the feds couldn't move in... USA still leans towards states rights.

Check CA for how the AW ban went. I know guys there that send me photos of there current AR builds.... they don't give an F about CA laws! They're not taking an arsenal to the range like before but being smart about it. So many stupid loop holes in the CA law. You can actually separate upper and lower and it's legal 'cause it's now just parts.

If ban is for braces....ever notice those things slide right off in 1 second.....

With C19 there will be LOTS more on the gov't plate than trying to craft a bill that will pass and be easily implemented.