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Thread: Yaa! Abortion is back in the news- actual concern about new 'bounty' provision

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandsunsurf View Post
    You can keep trying to call abortion murder, but it’s the same semantics liberals use calling any semi-auto rifle an assault weapon. Stop with the bullshit and look at the science.

    And while you’re at it, cough up some dough to pay for all the unwanted offspring.

    How ****ing ridiculous is it that two of us straight up called out Tom and the rest of the Right Squad that you oppose birth control, oppose abortion of any sort, AND won’t give a dime to some woman who gets pregnant. If your dumb-ass religion thinks birth control is a sin (WTF???) then you can pay for the kids. You don’t get it both ways.
    Did you actually appeal to science? I know, science says it's a tumor or something, something, something.

    There are literally hundreds of Christian charities that want and try to help women who want to murder their babies. There are 10's of thousands of Christian couples who try and adopt babies not wanted every year. I dare say there is no small number of secular couples that want to adopt every year.

    Really dude, you are one vicious guy.
    Last edited by TomMcC; 09-10-21 at 01:02.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandsunsurf View Post
    You can keep trying to call abortion murder, but it’s the same semantics liberals use calling any semi-auto rifle an assault weapon. Stop with the bullshit and look at the science.

    And while you’re at it, cough up some dough to pay for all the unwanted offspring.

    How ****ing ridiculous is it that two of us straight up called out Tom and the rest of the Right Squad that you oppose birth control, oppose abortion of any sort, AND won’t give a dime to some woman who gets pregnant. If your dumb-ass religion thinks birth control is a sin (WTF???) then you can pay for the kids. You don’t get it both ways.
    You’re throwing around a lot of assumptions, sir.

    I don’t oppose birth control. I don’t adhere to nor belong to an organized religion/church.

    Lots of ways to not get pregnant that are reasonable and don’t end with scraping an aborted fetus out of a woman.

    Education and responsibility/accountability are key.

    You wanna pay for my food? How about my mortgage?

    Not your responsibility, right? It’s mine.

    Oh and, uh, by the way- if you believe these people aren’t already getting tons of taxpayer dollars thrown their way, and wouldn’t get more after having the child- your just naive or lying to yourself.

    You wanna talk science? Everyone is just a bunch of vibrating molecules loosely bonded together with infinite space between them and not even solid matter- so **** it why not just kill anyone for any reason at any time?

    Why would depriving your form of life be any different than another, even if you don’t consider what you’re destroying a life, YET- it will be a life if you don’t poke it and scrape it out of existence.

    That’s taking the opportunity of life away.

    If you wanna talk science let’s look at numbers- there were more abortions in New York State than live births in a several of the last couple of years.

    That’s just insane and wrong.

    That’s not bodily autonomy, that’s poor decision making and ignorance.
    Last edited by THCDDM4; 09-10-21 at 01:16.
    We interrupt this programme to bring you an important news bulletin: the suspect in the Happy Times All-Girl Glee Club slaying has fled the scene and has managed to elude the police. He is armed and dangerous, and has been spotted in the West Side area, armed with a meat cleaver in one hand and his genitals in the other...

  3. #123
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    Here are photos of weeks old babies so you can see the carnage Roe has caused. Be prepared, it's gruesome. And they aren't tumors or other such nonsense.

  4. #124
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    Apologies for the lashing out. I know better than to make things personal. I’m frustrated with a vaccine mandate and frustrated with antivaxxers spreading FUD creating a situation where a mandate is almost warranted. I spent the day debating with coworkers, then came home and I took that out on you, Tom et al, in this thread because I also have strong feelings about religion and individual rights.

    I promise, as I said early on, that a conversation about this in person over beers or coffee would be friendly.

    I’m good to call it a day in regards to this discussion. I enjoy the debate and I do see some good points.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandsunsurf View Post
    Ugh. It’s not “leftist judges” it’s constitutionalist judges. You’re the Talib of the right. You can do you, but please, as others have said, stop pushing your religious right beliefs down the throats of us constitutional Americans.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by THCDDM4 View Post

    Lots of ways to not get pregnant that are reasonable and don’t end with scraping an aborted fetus out of a woman.

    Education and responsibility/accountability are key.
    The problem of course is that most people who get abortions are neither accountable, responsible or even terribly educated. If they were any of those things accidental pregnancies would be incredibly rare.

    I wish "planned parenthood" was actually what it claims to be and devoted most of it's time to preventing unwanted pregnancies. I mean it does that to an extent but obviously not in a way that is meaningful enough to make abortions an extremely rare thing.

    I think anyone who is receiving government support in the form of welfare, EBT, etc. should be required to be on Norplant as a condition of continued support. It's neither permanent nor excessively invasive. That would solve a LOT of problems.

    Other people who have demonstrated gross irresponsibility such as those in substance treatment should also be on Norplant. I don't think the added stress of having a newborn is going to help them with their addiction problems. It could be a condition of their insurance coverage and again, it's completely reversible.

    Sure people will cry "eugenics" but applying for welfare is voluntary. Accessing insurance provided substance treatment is voluntary. The tricky one is the mentally ill, technically they haven't done anything wrong and are simply mentally ill. I'd be hard pressed to come up with legit reasons to deny them reproductive rights and then you have the challenge of level of mentally ill which range from mild and manageable PTSD all the way to severe cognitive impairment. But for those who can no longer manage their own lives responsibly, I don't think becoming a parent or having to get an abortion is going to improve anything in any way, shape or form.

    My large concern is the ability of the US government to oversee or manage such things in a responsible, fair and impartial way. They are far more likely to create a problem of increased pregnancies among these individuals so they can expand their budget to manage the "crisis." Reproductive management would probably simply become another cash cow like Social Security, Medicare and Obamacare where the government pays itself to administer care to those who can't figure it out on their own.

    And this is before you add all the related stupidity that comes with the complete package of reproductive rights, religious views, welfare funded families and some truly insane people who I think get pregnant on purpose sometimes simply so they can exercise their right to an abortion. Sounds insane I know but I think I've met a couple of them.
    It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.

    Chuck, we miss ya man.


  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandsunsurf View Post
    A lot of educated people think this is the future way the liberals will legislate gun control. They may be better at articulating it than I am, but I believe it’s true. I’ve even seen claims that gun control advocates already have said this is the next way they should try. We should be concerned.
    Told you so….

    I hate that I was right, but this was easy to predict:

    “Gavin Newsom calls for bill modeled on Texas abortion ban to crack down on gun manufacturers

    California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Saturday he will push for a new law modeled on Texas’ abortion ban that would let private citizens sue anyone who makes or sells assault weapons or ghost guns.”

  8. #128
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    Yep, that is why I started this thread. I also started one with a link to the CNN article that covers this,maybe could fold that into here.
    The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES our right to own and bear arms that are in common use that can be used for lawful purposes. The arms can be restricted ONLY if subject to historical analogue from the founding era or is dangerous (unsafe) AND unusual.

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  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by FromMyColdDeadHand View Post
    Yep, that is why I started this thread. I also started one with a link to the CNN article that covers this,maybe could fold that into here.
    Darn it, if only us conservatives would have left the Left alone to kill all the babies they want they would have left 2A rights alone.
    Philippians 2:10-11

    To argue with a person who renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. ~ Thomas Paine

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  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by flenna View Post
    Darn it, if only us conservatives would have left the Left alone to kill all the babies they want they would have left 2A rights alone.
    Preach it brother.

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