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Thread: Does anyone believe that Trump is winning over Desantis?

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABNAK View Post
    I assume that isn't directed against me, but more a general statement? I never said a thing about not voting against a Democrat. Now the primary? Hell no I'm not voting for Trump. That said, if he was to win the nomination I will (for the third time I might add) hold my nose, choke back the vomit, and vote for him against any shitbag Democrat.
    Correct. General statement. I'm not voting for Trump in the primary either. But I'm voting against any Dem in the general. Heck, I'd even vote for Romney or McCain, if he wasn't dead, over any Dem.
    “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” -Augustine

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Averageman View Post
    Well, what did we learn from four years of Trump?
    How can DeSantis avoid what befell Trump's Administration?
    Do you think DeSantis will somehow magically avoid traps set for him by the FBI and DOJ ?

    I dont really think it's going to matter.
    Quote Originally Posted by glocktogo View Post
    Well for starters, I don't think DeSantis would be shoving his foot in his mouth every other day. DeSantis seems to prefer announcing actions after they've begun or already been done, rather than what he plans to do. I also think he'd be more likely to fire EVERYBODY on Day One in office, rather than settle into a nest of vipers with no concerns the way Trump did.

    Assuming I were DeSantis, I'd be very polite and professional during the transition. I'd ask a million questions and thank everyone for their assistance. I'd be overly solicitous and make everyone there feel smart and professional. I'd give them hope. But then I wouldn't keep so much as a single janitor in the White House once I was sworn in. Everyone would be locked out of all their electronic devices the second I said "So help me God." I'd decapitate DoD, DoJ, DoS, the FBI, ALL of the so-called "Intelligence" agencies, along with every other cabinet level Department. I'd appoint Special Counsel for each of those areas to handle both the firings and internal audits, then I'd direct the WH Press Office to refer all questions to them and never speak on the matters again, unless it was to announce findings of crimes, malfeasance, waste, fraud or abuse by the previous inhabitants.

    My entirely new DoJ Leadership team would have marching orders to root out every politically motivated unit and sideline them, effectively killing all politically motivated investigations. Then I'd take on violent crime organizations with task forces targeting their operations under federal law. Every time a big, splashy "gun crime" happened and the left went after gun rights, I'd mobilize a Task Force of pipe hitters to go arrest violent criminals with guns, while simultaneously investigating every level of local, state or federal government that might've failed to prevent an attack.

    Likewise there'd be a coordinated DHS/DoJ/DoS fire mission to sew up the borders, apply sanctions and make strong-arm demands on every country contributing to the illegal immigration problem, investigate every NGO receiving federal funding to facilitate illegal immigration and file lawsuits in every applicable jurisdiction against every municipality, state and private entity contributing to the problem simultaneously.

    My budget requests to Congress would dry up funding for all leftist ideological based programs, and substantially strengthen offensives against foreign threat actors.

    Simply put, you have to punch these assholes in the mouth on day one, then keep them rocked back on their heels every day. Make sure they're expending every bit of their time wailing about they pain you've inflicted on them and reacting to things you've already done. Every initiative should be compartmentalized and come with invisible fingerprints, so any leaks skyline the mole and then publicly destroy them. All initiatives should be short, lightning fast and pack a whallop. By the time the left can rally their resources to file court challenges, the damage should be done and you should be closing those efforts down, effectively nullifying the court challenge before it's even filed. Choke the life out of their legal standings and make sure whatever you're doing currently, can't be rolled into what they filed yesterday.

    Don't announce what you're gonna do, just tell the press there's gonna be more for them to wag their tongues about than they have time in the day to cover. The reason I want DeSantis over Trump or anyone else, is because I think he learned more about how the left did Trump dirty than Trump did. I think his Administration motto would be "Hide and watch." which is exactly how you have to treat the left.

    Oh and for the RINO's? Make them climb aboard enthusiastically, or get iced out of everything. The time of mealy-mouthed, wishy-washy bed wetters and hand wringers needs to end, abruptly.
    You had me like full on ballistic-nylon panty drop until the very end. I’d mount Rino heads on my walls with no mercy. Make them the moat that is a red line that this is not business as usual. No half-way gangsters.

    When blamed that you are destroying America, just say “Yes, but no. You are wrong- this isn’t America. I won’t continue with the slow destruction of our country. It is either we fix it or it ends.”
    The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES our right to own and bear arms that are in common use that can be used for lawful purposes. The arms can be restricted ONLY if subject to historical analogue from the founding era or is dangerous (unsafe) AND unusual.

    It's that simple.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by glocktogo View Post
    Well for starters, I don't think DeSantis would be shoving his foot in his mouth every other day. DeSantis seems to prefer announcing actions after they've begun or already been done, rather than what he plans to do. I also think he'd be more likely to fire EVERYBODY on Day One in office, rather than settle into a nest of vipers with no concerns the way Trump did.

    Assuming I were DeSantis, I'd be very polite and professional during the transition. I'd ask a million questions and thank everyone for their assistance. I'd be overly solicitous and make everyone there feel smart and professional. I'd give them hope. But then I wouldn't keep so much as a single janitor in the White House once I was sworn in. Everyone would be locked out of all their electronic devices the second I said "So help me God." I'd decapitate DoD, DoJ, DoS, the FBI, ALL of the so-called "Intelligence" agencies, along with every other cabinet level Department. I'd appoint Special Counsel for each of those areas to handle both the firings and internal audits, then I'd direct the WH Press Office to refer all questions to them and never speak on the matters again, unless it was to announce findings of crimes, malfeasance, waste, fraud or abuse by the previous inhabitants.

    My entirely new DoJ Leadership team would have marching orders to root out every politically motivated unit and sideline them, effectively killing all politically motivated investigations. Then I'd take on violent crime organizations with task forces targeting their operations under federal law. Every time a big, splashy "gun crime" happened and the left went after gun rights, I'd mobilize a Task Force of pipe hitters to go arrest violent criminals with guns, while simultaneously investigating every level of local, state or federal government that might've failed to prevent an attack.

    Likewise there'd be a coordinated DHS/DoJ/DoS fire mission to sew up the borders, apply sanctions and make strong-arm demands on every country contributing to the illegal immigration problem, investigate every NGO receiving federal funding to facilitate illegal immigration and file lawsuits in every applicable jurisdiction against every municipality, state and private entity contributing to the problem simultaneously.

    My budget requests to Congress would dry up funding for all leftist ideological based programs, and substantially strengthen offensives against foreign threat actors.

    Simply put, you have to punch these assholes in the mouth on day one, then keep them rocked back on their heels every day. Make sure they're expending every bit of their time wailing about they pain you've inflicted on them and reacting to things you've already done. Every initiative should be compartmentalized and come with invisible fingerprints, so any leaks skyline the mole and then publicly destroy them. All initiatives should be short, lightning fast and pack a whallop. By the time the left can rally their resources to file court challenges, the damage should be done and you should be closing those efforts down, effectively nullifying the court challenge before it's even filed. Choke the life out of their legal standings and make sure whatever you're doing currently, can't be rolled into what they filed yesterday.

    Don't announce what you're gonna do, just tell the press there's gonna be more for them to wag their tongues about than they have time in the day to cover. The reason I want DeSantis over Trump or anyone else, is because I think he learned more about how the left did Trump dirty than Trump did. I think his Administration motto would be "Hide and watch." which is exactly how you have to treat the left.

    Oh and for the RINO's? Make them climb aboard enthusiastically, or get iced out of everything. The time of mealy-mouthed, wishy-washy bed wetters and hand wringers needs to end, abruptly.
    If DeSantis doesn't run would you be able to do so? Awesome plan, scorched Earth. That's all those dickheads understand.

    And no, I don't think Trump has learned a damn thing.
    11C2P '83-'87
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex V View Post
    I love me some Trump because he makes Lefties cry. Having said that, at this point I would rather have DeSantis.

    I am not staying home no matter who is running and if the choice is Trump or Biden I will gladly vote for Trump. If you would rather Biden win because Trump hurt your mangina, then you have serious issues. Staying home is not an option.

    Won't matter either way because neither Trump nor DeSantis will be able to overcome the voter fraud.
    Funny (not) how that keeps coming up. Wonder why that is?

    While I shake my head and think "Why can't we just crack down on that shit?" I realize that the Left controlling the Sword and Shield of the State means they in turn control any pushback or investigations against fraud.....and I have no doubt will expend every effort, just like J6, to crush any election violence that may arise. Like, I dunno, some pissed off patriots bum-rushing some scummy inner-city counting center that has just thrown observers out or taped up cardboard over windows so they can't see the chicanery. [I would, however, LOVE to be on their jury]
    11C2P '83-'87
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  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgeib View Post
    Correct. General statement. I'm not voting for Trump in the primary either. But I'm voting against any Dem in the general. Heck, I'd even vote for Romney or McCain, if he wasn't dead, over any Dem.
    Sadly I've BTDT too.
    11C2P '83-'87
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  6. #26
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    The dems thought by changing the electorate (mass immigration and divisive politics) that they would just ‘win’, but that didn’t end up working out. Ends up enough immigrants end up thinking for themselves. Then they decided to just stuff the ballot box with semi-legal (or at least very hard to prove illegal) votes through vote by mail.

    We just need to learn how to ballot harvest - er I mean ‘turn out optimization’ when it comes to elections. Stop thinking people and start realizing it all about the ballots. We were just slow on the uptake in the swing states in the last election.
    The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES our right to own and bear arms that are in common use that can be used for lawful purposes. The arms can be restricted ONLY if subject to historical analogue from the founding era or is dangerous (unsafe) AND unusual.

    It's that simple.

  7. #27
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    Time will tell... but I wouldn't get too giddy about DeSantis' presidential prospects just yet. Yes, he's a popular two-term governor from Florida. So was Jeb Bush, leaving office with a 64% approval rating. Jeb was the favorite heading into the 2016 presidential primaries. Trump was considered less than serious about actually running for president. We all know how that turned out. DeSantis couldn't string two sentences together about Ukraine the other day without having to walk it back and clarify after facing a backlash of criticism from within his own party. Republican presidential hopefuls are already mocking DeSantis as a Trump copycat. Nikki Haley —said she agreed with Trump that “DeSantis is copying him.” When was the last time America elected a president standing only 5'9''? DeSantis wears high heels to make himself appear taller. Also at 5'9'', "Little Marco" stuck like glue and he never recovered.

    Politics is as interesting as it is entertaining. Looking forward to an entertaining primary season with top-shelf GOP candidates. I hope Ted Cruz is in it. I really like him.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by FromMyColdDeadHand View Post
    The dems thought by changing the electorate (mass immigration and divisive politics) that they would just ‘win’, but that didn’t end up working out. Ends up enough immigrants end up thinking for themselves. Then they decided to just stuff the ballot box with semi-legal (or at least very hard to prove illegal) votes through vote by mail.

    We just need to learn how to ballot harvest - er I mean ‘turn out optimization’ when it comes to elections. Stop thinking people and start realizing it all about the ballots. We were just slow on the uptake in the swing states in the last election.
    At one point during the 2020 debacle Justice Alito ordered Pennsylvania to separate mail-in ballots that came in after Election Day from those which arrived before. They essentially thumbed their noses at him. PA was one of those states that the governor and Secretary of State unilaterally decided to have mail-in voting due to COVID. The U.S. Constitution stipulates that states run their own elections as decided by the state's respective legislature......that is not what happened in PA and a couple others. That therefore made their "emergency" decree of mail-in voting ILLEGAL.

    I remember that bug-eyed cvnt Pelosi saying in March of 2020 (8 months before the election and before anyone knew how the hell long COVID was going to be around) "We're probably going to have to go to mail-in voting this November". How convenient! A Democrat's wet dream.

    Like I said in another thread, you had ILLEGAL shit take place (drop box stuffing like in "2000 Mules", mail-in fraud, pulling suitcases full of votes out from under tables after closing the counting center for the night) and gray-area crap like ballot-harvesting.
    11C2P '83-'87
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  9. #29
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    People in 3rd world countries don't pay any attention to news, politics, or elections because they know it's all corruption and lies.

    America now has 3rd world level corruption and people still waste their time on politics and fraudulent elections.

    Is it boredom, or just living in fantasy land?
    You won't outvote the corruption.
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by prepare View Post
    People in 3rd world countries don't pay any attention to news, politics, or elections because they know it's all corruption and lies.

    America now has 3rd world level corruption and people still waste their time on politics and fraudulent elections.

    Is it boredom, or just living in fantasy land?
    Instead of being Debbie Downer and a naysayer, what are your suggestions? Please enlighten the class as to whether it's okay or not to "accept" election fraud. I for one do not think it's acceptable and will ALWAYS call it out, because the decisions being made which greatly affect our country are being pushed and enforced by an illegitimate power structure......Congress, yeah whatever, I'm specifically talking about the Executive Branch which controls veto power as well as (most importantly) the Federal enforcement system, i.e. the guys with guns and no liability who come to enforce illegitimate edicts.
    11C2P '83-'87
    Airborne Infantry
    F**k China!

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