Quote Originally Posted by Defaultmp3 View Post
Depending on your use case, an internal battery that cannot be replaced can be a better mousetrap. It allows for the optic to be sealed against the environment better, and also has less to go wrong from a user maintenance perspective, as you won't be breaking a battery door or cross threading a battery cap, or messing up contacts to the battery. It could also reduce cost, if designed that way, as you would have less parts on the housing to have to machine out and assemble. You would simply have to be diligent about recharging the battery before it gets too low, which for many use cases, would not be hard to do if you make it part of a routine (e.g., charge the optic every time you come off shift, or after a mission, or when you go to sleep). Not saying that having an internal, rechargeable battery is inherently better than having a replaceable battery, just that it does have its advantages.
Good points to consider. Thanks for taking the time to reply.