Quote Originally Posted by QuietShootr View Post
My wife was attacked by a pit bull about seven years ago. The ER sent her to radiology to shoot a pic of her arm, because they said that pits and other large dogs often break teeth off in the wound when the tooth hits bone. Fortunately no tooth fragments were found, but I wouldn't have thought of that. They Dermabonded the holes closed and left small holes open at the edges of each puncture to allow fluids to drain.

(side note: **** pit bulls. I blew that cocksucker's brains all over the ground with a .45, and my only regret is that he's not still alive so I can do it again.)
+1. My neighbors 7 year old little girl was playing in her own backyard when a pit bull came around the house and grabbed her, pulling her off the steps she screamed and I heard her and saw what was happening and grabbed my .45 also and beat the dog off when the owner ran up and was begging me not to kill the dog. I said you or it! He had no leash or even a collar I shot him right between the eyes. The dog that is, the police were called and we found out in court later that the dog had bitten 4 other people and the owner had bought their silence. The owner got two years probation and 1000.00 dollar fine and 200 hours community service. Oh yea my neighbors little girl got 47 stitches and 5 plastic surgery operations that witch this a@# ho#% paid for.