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Thread: Top Gun: Maverick.

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by mack7.62 View Post
    If you want to stay in the cockpit you can only follow the promotion track up to a certain point and I think O-6 is about it.
    Not an expert here, but I know folks who were still flying as Colonels. There was a documentary recently with General Harrigan, he is 4 star and he still flies the F-22. So there are exceptions. The problem with flying as you get older is passing med/qual. Most pilots I know who stopped flying before retirement went out on med/disqual.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    He was in Russian prison. I didnt care for the sequels but they could keep that in.

    I'd imagine a modern day Doug Masters to be ultimately more hardened and possibly depressed. Like he got out after 20 years and came full circle from being a teen. But he's innately skilled. Chappy is old and in a home. And like Dougs daughter gets kidnapped by ISIS so he sells his ranch, hires mercenaries, and steals an F-15 to blow the piss out of them. But like it happens over contested airspace so he slugs it out with Russian pilots and has flashbacks to being drugged and tortured by the Russians in the 80s so he puts on Metallica's Seek and Destroy and kills them all.

    And the USAF sends pilots to get him to stop and kill him if necessary but he is blood drunk. He goes down and starts bludgeoning hajis with a shovel after his pdw AR goes empty.

    Eventually he is captured by the US but they pin it all in rogue Israeli Air Force and they say they have his daughter but if he shuts up and goes home then they will cover it up again.
    You should send a plot synopsis to Hollywood, you never know. While we are at it, if you don’t mind, cast me as the dude riding the dirt bike racing through the canyons to try to beat young Doug in his Cessna 152 (or was it a C150 aerobat?). Thanks.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoringGuy45 View Post
    First, I didn't know that. I figured if a captain was in for 30 years and failed to make admiral, he'd face mandatory retirement. But I guess also, it would be a mystery as to why a legendary, decorated hero wouldn't be a flag officer by that point.

    How about Ice Man? 30 years and he's only an O-5? Does that ever happen? Just curious.
    There not really a failing to make general/admiral thing.
    There are nowhere near enough slots.

    Iceman still being an O5 I don’t think is possible.

    But O6, as has come up in some discussions IRL and other internet places,

    Yes, it is a stretch with him still being in. Still actively flying at that,

    O6 is not so much an up or put position.

    In general, not for a Doc, Lawyer, or some other special situation,
    In modern military timelines,

    Someone comes in as an O1.
    In about 3 1/2 years of service they will be an 03.
    In about 9 years of service they will be an O4.
    In about 15 years of service they will be an O5.
    Around 20 years of service they will be an O6.

    A couple of years earlier, or a couple of years later, depending on which decade, etc.
    The majority of officers will make those ranks as long as they stay in.

    Now, just because 90% of SF O5s make O6 does NOT mean 90% of SF O6s are going to make O7.
    There are typically about 9000 O5 officers in the Army.
    There are typically about 4000 O6 officers in the Army.
    This is NOT because less than half could get promoted- people take better jobs, have paid off service commitments, got hurt, died, retired because they were prior service enlisted and already over 20, etc.

    Now, again, let’s go back to about 4000 O6 officers.
    There are only about 140 O7 slots they could be promoted to.
    The odds are better or worse from some branches.
    O7s lose their branch, meaning an O5 or O6 from a branch with some serious specials pays and bonuses make more.
    Plus, many are over 20 years, can retire, new career, make more on the outside, etc.
    But even after that there are not enough slots to promote every O6 that wants to stay.
    Maybe about 1% of O6s staying in would have a potential slot to make O7.

    The maximum retirement age is 62, with I believe another three years or so that can be approved and waivered.
    There are also a ton of Professor, staff, etc. positions where an O6 can pretty much stay until that max age if they want. Some 44 year old guy that took 20 years to make 06, spent three years as an O6 and could fully retire as an O6,
    Could actually stay in the Army for another 20 years. Spending more time as an O6 than it took to become an O6.

    So, say 21 year old Maverick joined the Navy in 1981,
    In Top Gun in 1986 he is 26 and has five years of service and is an 03.
    In 1990, at 30, he becomes an O4.
    In 1995, at 35, he becomes an O5.
    In 2000, at 40, he becomes an O6.
    In 2020, it is Top Gun 2 time. He is a 60 year old O6.

    Probably fairly close to his real life age.
    “Where weapons may not be carried, it is well to carry weapons.”

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Not an expert here, but I know folks who were still flying as Colonels. There was a documentary recently with General Harrigan, he is 4 star and he still flies the F-22. So there are exceptions. The problem with flying as you get older is passing med/qual. Most pilots I know who stopped flying before retirement went out on med/disqual.
    I think Don Conroy was still flying as a colonel.
    It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.

    Chuck, we miss ya man.


  5. #35
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    I feel the NEED! The NEED... for GERITOL! (I can see the product placement for this film already - Pat Boone's "walk-in tub," Doan's pills, Cialis, & Medic-Alert bracelets!)
    - Either you're part of the problem or you're part of the solution or you're just part of the landscape - Sam (Robert DeNiro) in, "Ronin" -

  6. #36
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    I doubt this movie is going to be good. If you follow Hollywoods trend lately its to pull you in with nostalgia by making a remake or sequel then shit all over the memory of the old movie by add strong female wamen and woke political undertones.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious_cb View Post
    I doubt this movie is going to be good. If you follow Hollywoods trend lately its to pull you in with nostalgia by making a remake or sequel then shit all over the memory of the old movie by add strong female wamen and woke political undertones.

    Easy pass. Give me something original Hollywood. Enough of the remakes/reboots/part 1,2,3, etc.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious_cb View Post
    I doubt this movie is going to be good. If you follow Hollywoods trend lately its to pull you in with nostalgia by making a remake or sequel then shit all over the memory of the old movie by add strong female wamen and woke political undertones.
    In general his movies I have seen lately may have some bad ass females, but they are old school red headed warrior princess in Willow, Rene Russo in Lethal Weapon, Ripley in Aliens, Sharon Stone in Total Recall types. With the lead male still being the Uber badass. Not Mary Sue gurlz power saving us from racist male toxicity types. If some new girl pilot Luke Skywalkers him or this is getting the Fatbusters or Transinator treatment I will be pissed.
    “Where weapons may not be carried, it is well to carry weapons.”

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious_cb View Post
    I doubt this movie is going to be good. If you follow Hollywoods trend lately its to pull you in with nostalgia by making a remake or sequel then shit all over the memory of the old movie by add strong female wamen and woke political undertones.

    First of all, Hello and good evening. I value you as a poster and a gentleman. Salud!

    I say that to say this: Please watch what comes out of your French Whore mouth.

    Tom Cruise hasn't done a woke movie to date. What smattering of plot looks badass. I bet the upstart female pilot crashes and burns spectacularly because SOMEBODY gotta die and it AINT gonna be Goose Jr.

    I hear tell that it will involve Super Drones and Iran.

    I mean let's be real here....Top Gun was the first mainstream movie about severe homosexuality laced with rock music, patrioltic music, and fighter jets. But its okay. The dudes weren't ugly and were in their prime. The movie was never a serious and heartfelt film like Iron Eagle. But it still had a LOT of artistic merit.

    Plus this is Tom. Cruise. He had no problem dumping Nicole Kidman and thst Dawson's Creek girl to worship aliens. He has raging Short man syndrome. And by gum, deep down he's /Our_Guy/ So no. Go watch Terminator for girl power.

    I'm fully expecting lemonparty homoeroticism, Jennifer Connely's sagging bewbs, patriotic music, cool pictures of non-CGI jets, and Tom Cruise to save the day.

    You are all so gun shy. But anyone who has that big of an ego and is crazy isnt going to pander. They gon' do what they gon' do. And he wants to fly fighter jets and play shirtless football with men young enough to be his son.


  10. #40
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    I can’t speak about the active duty Navy, but I know USAF guys that intentionally tried not to get promoted to O-6 so the could avoid flying a desk and stay in the cockpit. Yeah, there are O-6 and higher that “fly” but not as their primary job and almost none are mission qualified. Most of them have to fly with an instructor when they do get up in the air.

    Not uncommon to get waivers to to extend your time in the cockpit too. I’ve got friends that did 30 and retired as O-5s. There is a pilot shortage after all.

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