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Thread: LeBaron family murdered by Cartel in Mexico.

  1. #91
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    1) They're here to do the jobs Americans won't
    2) Demographic Destiny and overt invasion is okay, as long as we get cheap lawn-mowing and housekeepers

    Amirite, fellow C-conservatives?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Bullseye View Post
    And what are these "jobs nobody else will do"? They work on plantations owned by a few families occupying vast tracks of land, mostly in the Central Valley but also in Wine Country. These plantation owners demand cheap water, and I mean almost zero cost, they demand special trade laws, they demand local communities educate and feed their workers and their families. Rural towns are submerged by these costs. In a fair world these plantation owners could not make a living and would be forced to sell their plantations for subdivisions. Then the State would get some revenue. Fruit, vegetables, rice (yes rice with all that cheap water)???? Buy them from Chile. The illegals could travel down there and work.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Bullseye View Post
    Mexico sends us unwanted people and drugs, both poisoning our culture and country. Mexico has always been the enemy. I said this in 2001 with the 9/11 hysteria. We got nothing for the billions flushed down the sewers of NYC and in the meantime you lost California.

    Bring all the troops home from foreign countries. Set up a buffer zone 200 miles deep in Northern Mexico. Remove border towns and push them south. No water, no food, no highways, no railroads in that 200 miles. If Mexico gives us any shit, cruise missile them into the Stone Age, the OLD STONE AGE.

    No more half measures, no more mr. nice guys, no more placating political correctness. No more worship of our military in foreign campaigns---they can volunteer for that on their own. Regarding our military, it is time to defend this country and anyone not defending this country as ICE, the Border Patrol, and the Coast Guard is doing is not defending this country but instead some other country. Let them give offer "thanks for your service".
    That's right. If our military should be deployed anywhere it's to our southern border.

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Bullseye View Post
    Will, you are a good guy so please don't take this as a personal attack. But one thing is for certain. You are not in California.

    Here, all our elementary schools educate second generation illegals. They are swamping our educational standards and funds. Our prisons contain a majority illegal alien population content. Then there is parole-probation. There is gang enforcement costs, There are illegal drug task forces dealing with labs, smuggling, and groves. There is welfare. There is subsidized housing--for which illegals get priority. Sure, Mexican men work like dogs but illegals never earn enough money "doing jobs nobody else will do" to even feed their children. We have food stamps and food banks to do this.

    And what are these "jobs nobody else will do"? They work on plantations owned by a few families occupying vast tracks of land, mostly in the Central Valley but also in Wine Country. These plantation owners demand cheap water, and I mean almost zero cost, they demand special trade laws, they demand local communities educate and feed their workers and their families. Rural towns are submerged by these costs. In a fair world these plantation owners could not make a living and would be forced to sell their plantations for subdivisions. Then the State would get some revenue. Fruit, vegetables, rice (yes rice with all that cheap water)???? Buy them from Chile. The illegals could travel down there and work.

    Then there is the issue of access to resources. The State of California under Communist dictatorship gives priority in hiring to illegals and demands this of the private sector. They also allow illegals into our state funded colleges without paying tuition and as a matter of fact, gives them grants to fund their education. The State also lowers the standards of admission for them. Recently the University of California at Riverside instituted a two year program---TWO YEARS-- for illegals only buy which they could quality for medical school. So do you want to have your kids treated by an affirmative action doctor with two years medical school?

    The State of California starts each fiscal year billions upon billions of dollars in the hole because of illegal aliens. Why do you think our taxes are so high? We have the worst schools and worst roads in the nation which is all the State is mandated to do.

    So, finally, digest this image: Illegal Aliens are prioritized over the homeless in California. Just think about that.
    Some leftist, do gooders, public officials have been bought off.
    You won't outvote the corruption.
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Bullseye View Post
    Will, you are a good guy so please don't take this as a personal attack. But one thing is for certain. You are not in California.

    Here, all our elementary schools educate second generation illegals. They are swamping our educational standards and funds. Our prisons contain a majority illegal alien population content. Then there is parole-probation. There is gang enforcement costs, There are illegal drug task forces dealing with labs, smuggling, and groves. There is welfare. There is subsidized housing--for which illegals get priority. Sure, Mexican men work like dogs but illegals never earn enough money "doing jobs nobody else will do" to even feed their children. We have food stamps and food banks to do this.

    And what are these "jobs nobody else will do"? They work on plantations owned by a few families occupying vast tracks of land, mostly in the Central Valley but also in Wine Country. These plantation owners demand cheap water, and I mean almost zero cost, they demand special trade laws, they demand local communities educate and feed their workers and their families. Rural towns are submerged by these costs. In a fair world these plantation owners could not make a living and would be forced to sell their plantations for subdivisions. Then the State would get some revenue. Fruit, vegetables, rice (yes rice with all that cheap water)???? Buy them from Chile. The illegals could travel down there and work.

    Then there is the issue of access to resources. The State of California under Communist dictatorship gives priority in hiring to illegals and demands this of the private sector. They also allow illegals into our state funded colleges without paying tuition and as a matter of fact, gives them grants to fund their education. The State also lowers the standards of admission for them. Recently the University of California at Riverside instituted a two year program---TWO YEARS-- for illegals only buy which they could quality for medical school. So do you want to have your kids treated by an affirmative action doctor with two years medical school?

    The State of California starts each fiscal year billions upon billions of dollars in the hole because of illegal aliens. Why do you think our taxes are so high? We have the worst schools and worst roads in the nation which is all the State is mandated to do.

    So, finally, digest this image: Illegal Aliens are prioritized over the homeless in California. Just think about that.
    That's cuz CA is fuc%#d, but it does not really alter what I was saying however. The Bracero program initiated in 1942, between the United States and Mexico and additional the Migrant Labor Agreement that followed encouraged Mexican workers to come to the US and work. The various industries benefit from ongoing cheap labor, and there's never been a nation of any note not built on the work of slaves, indentured types, or immigrant labor to do the work others can't or will not do for little $. That it's come to bite us in the ass, worse so in some locations vs others, comes as no surprised and is to be expected. The people in say NH don't care about your high taxes and just want their cheap lettuce, and drugs.

    But the immigrants brought into Germany, UK, France etc, all there for the same reason, do crappy labor work cheap and that's the major reason they're allowed in at all. In socialist chit holes it's worse of course, which is why they have the immigrant labor doing the work, as well as high unemployment rates, the lose lose of socialism.
    - Will

    General Performance/Fitness Advice for all

    LE/Mil specific info:

    “Those who do not view armed self defense as a basic human right, ignore the mass graves of those who died on their knees at the hands of tyrants.”

  5. #95
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    This is a good read imo & gives a good opinion of a mexican civilian's opinion on the matter...I disagree with chivis in the fact that Mexico is passive & just accepts it. I feel if you gave those people a 2nd amendment then they would take their country back in 2 years time & THAT likely scares the mex govt more than their current issues with the narcos. I worked in mex for 15 years & lived on the border for 50. It's not lack of pride keeping the country from failing. It is the laws of their founding fathers that are haunting them. Grenades & rpg's are a plenty everyday in that country, but let's forbid an armed populace?? All you need to know.


    Lebaron family is more Mexican than American--and other points of contention

    Op-Ed by Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

    Let it be known, I do not want to write this Op-Ed.

    Covering the Lebaron massacre story, and moderating the over 1000 comments that followed has been eye-opening. Even to a long time narco-blogger such as myself.

    I purposely posted reports from the U.S., Mexico and global contributions. I did this to provide differences in reporting, which I always find interesting.

    The amount of racism, “whataboutisms”, Americans vs Mexicans, and now blame the victims are staggering.
    First point of misinformation was the spin… “9 Americans killed by Mexican Cartel”.

    Say What??

    OK, while technically correct, it is fundamentally incorrect. The Lebaron family is more Mexican citizen than American. One only has to understand that even after this tragedy, they are staying put, in their homeland of Mexico.

    I saw two members of the Lebaron family giving interviews. I can’t recall one name but the other was Daniel. A question was asked of them if they would now move to “America”. Daniel seemed perplexed as to why one would ask such a question. “No. Mexico is our home, we have been here over 100 years."

    And that’s the focal point of my argument. The Lebaron family is more Mexican citizen than American.

    No one is getting that element correct. “Dual citizens” would be accurate, if one must.

    Blame the victim

    Of the 1000 comments I received, 28 wrote in about the family’s history of violence, although I am sure the majority has heard of troubles in the family. Those comments were from outside Mexico, and many pointed to a 12 year old documentary.

    I chose not to post those comments, and chose not to focus on any trouble the family had in the past with some of their members. I felt it was ill-timed, and unnecessary. I know that the Mexican government and narcos would love the attention to be shifted from them onto the bad history of some members of the Lebaron family.

    A popular west coast newspaper chose to focus on the criminal element of some of the members.

    Narcos want to know where to send the thank you flowers.


    And at least 28 followers of Borderland Beat latched on to this aspect of the story giving narcos a pass.

    Yet, from Mexico we received 2 dozen comments from those who know the family personally or live close to them, they hail Julian Lebaron as a good man, a humanitarian, working for the people’s land rights.

    One such comment:
    “My family is from Chihuahua not far from Galeana where the LeBaron family has a colony at. They are hardworking humble people I have personally met and interacted with many from their community. This was not La Linea because ALL of the heads of La Linea know and respect the family for their help and actions in the communities of that area. Either ways Mexico’s corrupt politicians will not let the U.S get involved because it will uncover a lot more than cartel activities. It will uncover lists and names of corrupt politicians. I agree with Trump on this one, you need a REAL military to take control because as sad as it is Mexico can’t or doesn’t want to deal with it.”

    This is our time folks! World attention is on Mexico and the atrocities generated by organized crime, let’s not lose sight of this! We know these ghastly acts of violence happen on a regular basis in Mexico, Borderland Beat has faithfully reported as many as we could, but unless it is so monstrous, such as the 35 bodies dumped in Boca del Rio, Veracruz, it will not make the world stage.

    By the way, the attorney general later said in an interview that those 35 were innocents unconnected to organized crime. Two men had minor offense records, one for stealing bricks.

    They were used as props, they were easy pickings, compliant as the municipal police picked them up and delivered them to El Mencho’s CJNG enforcer group at the time calling themselves “Mata Zetas’ or Zeta killers.

    It is much less messy for corrupt cops to pick up law abiding citizens for these showing kills. Shortly after the massacre, the entire force was terminated and the feds took over for a while.

    However, if one looks for reporting the press outside Mexico, the reporting was not updated, or revised from the original premise of 35 Zetas killed and dumped in front of the World Trading Center.

    Trump surprise

    I was stunned when Trump’ tweet to AMLO was sent to me.

    But I was not surprised at AMLO’s reply, the president who thinks hugs not guns is the answer.

    For the record, he has implemented valuable programs, and I think it is only fair to give him his full term before judgement. BUT, I don’t think he will ever find another U.S. president willing to go hand and hand with Mexico to fight cartels.

    It took me back to a time I was at my Coahuila office with my staff about 6 years ago. One of them asked me if it was true that the U.S. military was coming to Mexico to fight the narcos.

    Apparently this was a rumor.

    I said “No. That will never happen. Mexico is a sovereign nation, they would have to ask for help and then it would have to be approved in the U.S.”

    She asked, “Why does Mexico have these problems and U.S. doesn’t?” (speaking in generalities of course)

    I answered, “In my opinion, the absence of rule of law is directly related to the apathy of Mexico’s people. The populous accepts criminality as something that can’t be changed, thereby have insulated themselves by disinterest --- unless it happens to their family.”

    “In the U.S people care. People become involved. People are willing to die for our freedom and welfare of our nation.”

    “I don’t see that in Mexico. That is perplexing to me; We Mexicans are big-hearted, warm and loving souls by nature. Yet want nothing to do with fighting the evil of the nation. Oh the dichotomy.”

    I would like to interject a bit of nervous laughter was the response. No one said it was not true.

    A book I read “Manana Forever?: Mexico and the Mexicans” it illustrates how everyday behavior is altered when a Mexican national comes to the U.S. That even small things, such as assuring trash is deposited in a trash receptacle, because it is the right and lawful thing to do. For the majority there is a mind shift--- because it is expected.

    “Just because they were white”

    This is the complaint I received most often. And yes, there is some meat on that bone. History demonstrates little media interest in the victims of Mexico, but by placing the “American” label on the tragedy, and blonde, blue eyed faces, the story exploded.

    However, one can’t lose sight of the prize. If you care about Mexico, care about the countless victims in Mexico, and the fact that narco violence is at an all-time high, and although he was not involved, that Mencho is the greatest security threat ever facing Mexico (I wrote this 5 years ago and not changed my opinion), and then we should welcome the attention, and grin and bear the flawed way that got us here.
    "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."
    Japanese Admiral Yamamoto, 1941

    "A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left."
    Ecclesiastes 10:2:

  6. #96
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    It's pretty convenient today to look at foreign agricultural workers who are here illegally and talk about how they are living in near slavery and "The Man" is holding them back.
    That only really works when you forget or were never educated about how a lot of our white population that are now Middle Class today, worked their way out of being share croppers. That didn't only happen in the South either, it was a major way to earn a living in what was/is the agricultural belt that encompasses three quarters of our Country.
    It's amazing to me that we've given up on teaching history, we might learn that thirteen year old Irish kids were taken off of Immigration boats, handed a flag, a drum or a rifle and sent en mass to fight the Southern Armies in our Civil War, one might actually wonder if there might be an agenda behind it?
    When you come to the conclusion that living where you are is no longer tenable and you decide to become some sort of international hobo, criminal and refugee, no one owes you a damned thing.

  7. #97
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    You all see that?

    A BRAVE cop who arrested El Chapo’s son – sparking a bloody cartel firefight – has been shot 155 times in a brutal car park execution.

    Video footage shows the moment a red car, driven by gangsters, follows a white car into a shopping centre in Mexico, before two gunmen ambush the officer.
    - Will

    General Performance/Fitness Advice for all

    LE/Mil specific info:

    “Those who do not view armed self defense as a basic human right, ignore the mass graves of those who died on their knees at the hands of tyrants.”

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by WillBrink View Post
    You all see that?

    A BRAVE cop who arrested El Chapo’s son – sparking a bloody cartel firefight – has been shot 155 times in a brutal car park execution.

    Video footage shows the moment a red car, driven by gangsters, follows a white car into a shopping centre in Mexico, before two gunmen ambush the officer.

    I think we should just give them what they want and all this would end.
    The truth can only offend those who live a lie.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Esq. View Post
    I think we should just give them what they want and all this would end.
    What do they want besides more $?
    - Will

    General Performance/Fitness Advice for all

    LE/Mil specific info:

    “Those who do not view armed self defense as a basic human right, ignore the mass graves of those who died on their knees at the hands of tyrants.”

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by WillBrink View Post
    What do they want besides more $?
    According to the Mexican President they want hugs.
    Philippians 2:10-11

    To argue with a person who renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. ~ Thomas Paine

    “The greatest conspiracy theory is the notion that your government cares about you”- unknown.

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