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Thread: ATF and AR Pistols...time to sell?

  1. #311
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    The only solution to this is mass non compliance. They set the rules, a company came up with a product that fit inside those rules, many of us bought into it in order to be within the law, and now they go and change it.... get ****ed. If you take your brace off, you are traveling down the road towards confiscation. If you're not willing to make a stand here, by the time you are it will be too late.

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  2. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwayneZ View Post
    Did I say "vote harder". I said "pay attention to DC".
    I think you'll need to move outside the US to "succeed".
    Same direction, different lanes.
    Same difference. Dunning-Kruger is real.

    Patriot. Please. If you’d lived in the late 1700’s you’d have been a Red Coat or the person turning your neighbor into the Red Coats.

    No? Tell me how you would have stood up and told the crown to pound sand then, but now you’re worried about shouldering a certain type of AR.

    Standing by for cognitive dissidence.

    Blue pilled progressive. Blue pilled conservative. You’re both dangerous to individual liberty and freedom.
    The Constitution is a "Gun Free Zone" sign for conservatives

  3. #313
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    ATF and AR Pistols...time to sell?

    At least some people get it.

    I’m not blind to the fact we’re the minority. Between the progressives and blue pilled constitutional conservatives driving us into a ditch a ditch we are vastly out numbered.

    But we also don’t need the majority. 5-10% of a dedicated populous as big as the US could make a big difference.

    Shall not, will not comply. The only way forward.
    Last edited by iflyskyhigh; 02-07-22 at 08:32.
    The Constitution is a "Gun Free Zone" sign for conservatives

  4. #314
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    Quote Originally Posted by iflyskyhigh View Post
    At least some people get it.

    I’m not blind to the fact we’re the minority. Between the progressives and blue pilled constitutional conservatives driving us into a ditch a ditch we are vastly out numbered.

    But we also don’t need the majority. 5-10% of a dedicated populous as big as the US could make a big difference.

    Shall not, will not comply. The only way forward.
    I agree with most of what you’re saying.
    But I do firmly believe that the constitution is one of the best written forms of governance this world has ever seen. Minus the blacks can’t vote part. We need to get back to where the constitution is being followed as it was written, not as it is interpreted.

    Mass non compliance is the only way out of this disaster we are in though. We aren’t going to vote ourselves out of this quagmire we are in and a full scale shooting war isn’t going to happen, and if it does it’s not going to end how anyone thinks it will. It won’t result in freedom. At the state level, such as the state I’m in we might be able to vote ourselves out.

    The problem is the entire system is broken. The school system indoctrinates, the Justice system enforces tyranny to keep prisons full, the legislature votes to make everyone a criminal, certain rich elitists control it all. Left and right are both sides of the same machine that are enslaving us. And when a good man comes along to threaten that machine, the machine crucified him. And we let them do it.

    The machine isn’t to blame for the situation we’re in, it just did what we let it. We’re the ones to truly blame for letting this cluster **** happen.

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  5. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by iflyskyhigh View Post
    Man, I get what your saying and why, but this latest frap with Rogen should show you yet again why spending any energy learning or caring about their laws is an exercise in futility.

    I know it’s not a direct correlation, but it does give you some insight into how the game is played. Again. It’s a lesson we seem slow to learn.

    You can’t apologize your way into compliance, because they change the rules of the game daily. Nor can we “comply” our way into compliance for the very same reason.

    There is no way to obey their laws and it’s that way on purpose.

    Just because you don’t shoulder your stupid pistol or whatever such nonsense, you most likely probably commit a dozen other felonies every day.

    If they want you, they will get you. But honestly, they probably don’t want you.

    We’re just hyper focused on guns and gun issues because that’s our thing.

    Look at the marijuana legalization community. They stood up to the feds and told them to go **** themselves. It’s working. And even though it’s becoming less likely every day, you’re still way more likely to get busted doing something marijuana related than you are for messing around with the NFA. Come to think of it your probably more likely to get busted selling raw milk than messing with the NFA. The gun community could learn something from them.

    In fact those on the right could learn a lot a lot from the left. The left says we’re going to do something. The right says we’re going to stop you. The right needs to be the ones doing something not responding to the left trying to stop whatever it is they’re doing.

    You wanna change something, organize a few hundred thousand people to show up in DC for the “Million Black Rifle March”. Or better yet your state capital or local jurisdiction. DC is a metastasized cancer that needs to be amputated. There is no saving it. But for the love of god quit pretending you can vote your way to freedom. That’s another tinfoil hat idea.

    It bares repeating. The feds barely have enough people to push the paperwork they are required to push on a daily basis, let alone send people to the range to spy on you. That’s an absurd tin foil hat idea. The feds for the most part don’t give a shit about you.

    The government is a criminal organization, and crime syndicates don’t like competition.

    You’re not competition. If you were they shoot a hellfire missile at your house and be don’t with you. You’re the shop keeper who the mafia (which is what the government is) squeezes for “protection” money (taxes). You don’t want heat pay the extortion, and mind your P’s and Q’s.

    Best way to avoid the man is just don’t make yourself standout. No one wants to be the first one into Guantanamo or a martyr. We’re not there yet. And if it is going there take solace in the fact there is positively nothing you can do to stop it. If that day comes we’ll just have to cross that bridge when we get there.

    Everyone needs to have a line in the sand so that if and/or when the Government (i.e. Mafia/Cartel) show up at your door you at least have in your mind how it’s gonna go. It may not go that way. Like Mike Tyson said, “everyone has a plan till they get punched.”

    I’m actually not advocating any of that crazy shit above. At least not yet. Like I said we’re not there yet.

    Quit wasting your lives and energy on politics. Live your life. Just do what you want to do and enjoy yourself. Don’t make yourself a target and don’t worry about it. Know what you can get away with and have fun doing it. If you live somewhere where you can’t get away with anything, either accept that or move.

    As of this writing there is ALWAYS a choice. It may be uncomfortable, but comfort is not freedom. Choice is.
    Well said.

    " men do not ask permission to bear arms..." - Thomas Jefferson

  6. #316
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    Quote Originally Posted by iflyskyhigh View Post
    Same difference. Dunning-Kruger is real.

    Patriot. Please. If you’d lived in the late 1700’s you’d have been a Red Coat or the person turning your neighbor into the Red Coats.

    No? Tell me how you would have stood up and told the crown to pound sand then, but now you’re worried about shouldering a certain type of AR.

    Standing by for cognitive dissidence.

    Blue pilled progressive. Blue pilled conservative. You’re both dangerous to individual liberty and freedom.
    Dunning - Kruger LOL i think a buddy of mine has dunning-kruger

  7. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by ubet View Post
    I agree with most of what you’re saying.
    But I do firmly believe that the constitution is one of the best written forms of governance this world has ever seen. Minus the blacks can’t vote part. We need to get back to where the constitution is being followed as it was written, not as it is interpreted.

    Mass non compliance is the only way out of this disaster we are in though. We aren’t going to vote ourselves out of this quagmire we are in and a full scale shooting war isn’t going to happen, and if it does it’s not going to end how anyone thinks it will. It won’t result in freedom. At the state level, such as the state I’m in we might be able to vote ourselves out.

    The problem is the entire system is broken. The school system indoctrinates, the Justice system enforces tyranny to keep prisons full, the legislature votes to make everyone a criminal, certain rich elitists control it all. Left and right are both sides of the same machine that are enslaving us. And when a good man comes along to threaten that machine, the machine crucified him. And we let them do it.

    The machine isn’t to blame for the situation we’re in, it just did what we let it. We’re the ones to truly blame for letting this cluster **** happen.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    When exactly was it the constitution was followed? The state has been violating it since the day it was penned. That way of thinking is nostalgic blindness. In 250 years the trend has only gone one way.

    I think an argument can be made that the constitution as a symbol of our defiant cultural ethos holds weight. I’m willing to entertain the constitution as a uniting symbol, rather than a magic piece of paper that’s going to save us. There just isn’t any evidence for the latter.

    In order for that symbol to mean anything, you first have to acknowledge that it never worked as intended. And if something has never worked as intended, it never well. See communism, fascism, and socialism.

    Either way The Articles of Confederation were better, but there is no way to run that experiment. We may have ended up in the same position we find ourselves today.

    Declaration of Independence is really the document to look at.

    Constitution was a coup by a bunch of elites.

    Please read Lysander Spooner’s treatise “No Treason”, and Murray Rothbard’s “Anatomy of the State”. Easy reads.

    The rest of your thoughts are pretty much spot on.

    I can tell you’ve thought about this stuff, which is why I recommend the books to people like you. I was where you’re at once.

    Given enough time and information I think people like yourself will inevitably come around to see the state, democracy, and the constitution (at least as it’s currently presented) for the fraud they are.

    I know it’s a bitter pill to swallow. I was once a raging, boot licking, statist, constitutional conservative. Shit, I used to be a cop.

    But I’m also analytical. And once I was presented with overwhelming evidence I had to admit I was wrong.
    The Constitution is a "Gun Free Zone" sign for conservatives

  8. #318
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    Quote Originally Posted by switchback7 View Post
    Well said.

    " men do not ask permission to bear arms..." - Thomas Jefferson
    My rights are natural and not open to debate, discussion, or vote.

    I appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time to read it. I put a lot of time, thought, and research into what I say. It’s not off the cuff.

    I’m not trying to convince, or change any one’s mind.

    If you’re a curious person open to thoughtful discussion I can usually tell, and will be happy to discuss anything further.

    I try not to dismiss anyone out right because as I said, even once I would have considered myself a hopeless case. Especially in forums as they are without a doubt an imperfect form of communication.

    I know I get snarky but it’s just my nature.
    The Constitution is a "Gun Free Zone" sign for conservatives

  9. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by iflyskyhigh View Post
    When exactly was it the constitution was followed? The state has been violating it since the day it was penned. That way of thinking is nostalgic blindness. In 250 years the trend has only gone one way.

    I think an argument can be made that the constitution as a symbol of our defiant cultural ethos holds weight. I’m willing to entertain the constitution as a uniting symbol, rather than a magic piece of paper that’s going to save us. There just isn’t any evidence for the latter.

    In order for that symbol to mean anything, you first have to acknowledge that it never worked as intended. And if something has never worked as intended, it never well. See communism, fascism, and socialism.

    Either way The Articles of Confederation were better, but there is no way to run that experiment. We may have ended up in the same position we find ourselves today.

    Declaration of Independence is really the document to look at.

    Constitution was a coup by a bunch of elites.

    Please read Lysander Spooner’s treatise “No Treason”, and Murray Rothbard’s “Anatomy of the State”. Easy reads.

    The rest of your thoughts are pretty much spot on.

    I can tell you’ve thought about this stuff, which is why I recommend the books to people like you. I was where you’re at once.

    Given enough time and information I think people like yourself will inevitably come around to see the state, democracy, and the constitution (at least as it’s currently presented) for the fraud they are.

    I know it’s a bitter pill to swallow. I was once a raging, boot licking, statist, constitutional conservative. Shit, I used to be a cop.

    But I’m also analytical. And once I was presented with overwhelming evidence I had to admit I was wrong.
    I’ll look into them, thanks for the recommendation.

    The problem with the constitution is not the document in itself, the problem is that men is expected to uphold it and protect it. We are foul able, most seeking power are corrupt or desire to be. The constitution/country truly fell apart with the 17th amendment and dare I say women getting the right to vote. Their was a reason only land owning males were allowed to vote, it’s because they had a stake in the country, literally. Women were not allowed to vote, because we are supposed to be republic, the man of the house voted for the family. He was the representative of the family. When states surrendered their power to eject and recall senators were started down the road to communism. Throw in the likes of Wilson and that cunt fdr, you can easily map of how we got to where we are along with the why.

    The constitution suffered a death of a thousand cuts. It’s everyone’s fault, yours, mine, our great x8 grandparents, if they were here then. We were entrusted to keep the republic, and the men that penned it did so with the hopes that we would keep it and be willing to fight and defend it against enemies domestic. We failed them and the constitution.

    I agree the fed is a fraud, has been for two centuries at least.

    With that being said, I think the country needs split. Wy, mt, id, eastern or/wa, Nevada, Kansas, ok, Texas, az, most of the Midwest to the Mississippi and the dakotas need to tell the feds to piss off. We’re taking our resources, the military installations, nukes included, and making our own country. Then invade ca and the rest of the pacific coast. Kick out everyone in la, sf, Portland, Eugene, Seattle etc and send them to the east coast. Let the lefties have them.

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  10. #320
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    Yes, dammit. Yes
    “The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.” — H.L. Mencken

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