Quote Originally Posted by theblackknight View Post
Good luck finding SPP
Exactly, x1000

In my most humble opinion, there a few things that can and/or will help us greatly through this mess.

1) Companies that take back orders. Cabelas will do that for SPP. Thank God. There are a lot of things I hate about Cabelas, but I love this.

2) I hereby suggest that someone who's more savvy in the social media arts than I start a "Buy Half" campaign. Until this blows over, I suggest that we buy no more than 1/2 of the stock of ammo, primers, etc.

Part of the problem is there's a limited supply due to hoarding and people see empty shelves. Then when we see some product, we want to buy it all, and the next guy sees empty shelves and the cycle continues. If we buy only 1/2, there's more to go around, and it would reduce the panic. If that sounds socialist, I apologize, but I think it will help.

Lastly, and I hope this is a good sign, a Walmart near me had a lot of 9mm WWB yesterday, and no quantity restriction (and yes, I bought less than 1/2).