1) They're here to do the jobs Americans won't
2) Demographic Destiny and overt invasion is okay, as long as we get cheap lawn-mowing and housekeepers

Amirite, fellow C-conservatives?

Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Bullseye View Post
And what are these "jobs nobody else will do"? They work on plantations owned by a few families occupying vast tracks of land, mostly in the Central Valley but also in Wine Country. These plantation owners demand cheap water, and I mean almost zero cost, they demand special trade laws, they demand local communities educate and feed their workers and their families. Rural towns are submerged by these costs. In a fair world these plantation owners could not make a living and would be forced to sell their plantations for subdivisions. Then the State would get some revenue. Fruit, vegetables, rice (yes rice with all that cheap water)???? Buy them from Chile. The illegals could travel down there and work.