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Thread: American Heroes Channel......WTF?

  1. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoni View Post
    You are a liar, and not honest!
    Go ahead tell us what is really in your heart, you think the mass murder of Jews was a good thing.

    How are people that are born in the USA, a foreign ethnic group? Only by the virtue of being born Jewish. You think Jews as a monolithic group looks out for special Jewish interests. You show just how ignorant you are, we Jews are one of the most fractured groups around.

    Israel is objective evil, are you really that effing stupid?

    No country has done more to help the welfare of the people of the world. Medical advancement, agriculture advancement that ended starvation in parts of Africa. You want the list of Hamas and PLO leaders that were treated in Israeli hospitals much less your every day Palestinians.

    As great as Solzhenitsyn was in giving the world a look into the gulags he was an antisemitic idiot, just like you. Of course people that were treated like second class citizens under the Czar would flock to the people that promised them equality. In the great book "Blood Lands" we learn that in the early 1930's in the NKVD 90% of the officers ranked captain and above were Jews, under Stalin by 1939 it was down to 3%.

    The difference between the Nazis and the Soviets, is the USSR actually murdered more Jews than the Nazis did. The difference was that in the USSR, they were not murdered because they were Jews, they were murdered just like all the non Jewish victims of Stalin. So yes Jews found equality in death under Stalin.

    Saying the USA is as bad as the USSR, is the stupidest thing I have ever read here at M4. I have stated that the USA did bad things, but not on the scope of the USSR and to say otherwise is ignorant and shows a distinct lack of study of history, other than the Nazi BS you read.
    I understand why you did it, but that crap didn't even deserve a response. There are some really messed up people out there........with some really twisted world views.

  2. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteyrAUG View Post
    This is the only problem with these threads. While I might be able to be detached and completely objective in my academic study of third reich, SS occult beliefs, how the NSDAP came to be, etc.....NOBODY put my grandparents into work camps so that they could in their last days of life help build something for the state, their children didn't get tattooed like cattle and mass gassed without regard.

    Now the Germans DID try and kill my grandfather every time he flew, and came close a couple times, but even that is not the same.

    If my choice is that or shoot me, then just go ahead and shoot me. Don't rob me of my very humanity first while at the same time destroying my faith in pretty much all other humans.

    And I hope my deep interest in the war, and specifically the most peculiar / bizarre parts of National Socialist Germany do not offend those who suffered directly or indirectly when large part of their families were simply destroyed.

    I understand on a much smaller level. I'm uninterested in what hardships or perceived attacks against faith or people drove the 9-11 hijackers to do what they did, beyond establishing a profile that we can be on guard against and use to track and kill others of their kind. But I don't want to sympathize, empathize or understand how they felt, I just wish they were all killed sooner. I imagine most jewish folks are uninterested in knowing about nazis at at least that basic and simplistic level.
    NOBODY in my family was murdered by the Nazi's, we were not from Europe. I am sure if the war in North Africa hadn't happened when it did, then we would have lost people.

    My father and uncles fought in both Europe and the Pacific. My dad fought all the way into Germany, then he was wounded. Which at 95, now forces him to use a walker.

    In the great book "BloodLands" the author, showed just how the Germans dehumanized the victims, both Jews and non Jews. In one town in Poland, they gathered the doctors, professors in the town square . They forced them to strip then get down on the ground and push a soccer ball with their nose across the town square, when they got to the other side they got a bullet in the head.

    Where the USSR, you just got a bullet to the head.

    I think the study of regimes such as the Nazis, the USSR, Islamic terror and my favorites the ChiCom bastards that gave us the first biological war, is a good thing. I just read a book on the Russian Civil war and it opened my eyes even more as to what the Marxist in America are really doing. They are following the play book of the Bolsheviks. Because most Americans are not educated, we are going to lose.

  3. #73
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    Last edited by yoni; 09-30-21 at 07:39.

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by HKGuns View Post
    I understand why you did it, but that crap didn't even deserve a response. There are some really messed up people out there........with some really twisted world views.
    Because evil and lies, must be responded to and shut down. The people that push these views exposed as the morons they are. If we can stand up to supporters of Nazis or Marxist and defeat them with knowledge, then maybe we can avoid having to have a shooting solution.

  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendelshooter View Post
    I don’t care about the Jews, why must I like them? I see them for what they are-a foreign ethnic group that looks out for its own best interests ahead of other groups, with an abnormally high in group preference.
    To be honest I’m tired of hearing “but what about the Jews?!” How about we think about ourselves. When was the last time a politician said “What about the people who conquered, settled, and civilized this continent-white Europeans?”
    The state of Israel is objectively evil, but it’s a political entity and not too far removed from national socialism itself.

    The USSR killed millions of my people-white Christians. Maybe that’s why I care about the holodomor more than the Holocaust. For the record the Jewish involvement in communism can’t be overlooked. As Sotlzenitzen said “It was a Jewish revolution, not a Russian revolution.” But I guess that makes me an anti semite.

    The US is exactly as bad as the USSR. In just the 20th century how many sovereign governments did we overthrow for business interests? Iran, South America, Greece, and my personal favorite (because I spent a few years there) Iraq. We even repressed our own in the civil war. And, as much as I hate to say it because marxists do too-we did practice human chattel slavery. Not just of blacks but of my own European ancestors.

    So don’t give me this “Well we’re not THAT BAD!” Bs. Our government absolutely is.
    I have noticed a lot of biographical entries on early to mid 20th century commies and a common mention was either them or their parents were Jews who immigrated from Russia.

    Screw them, but(if my understanding of US immigration at the time is correct) screw all the immigration flunkies who let someone in seeking to destroy US freedoms. And that problem goes back a long ways when loads of European Marxists(some were no joke acquaintances of Karl) who escaped Europe after their 1848 revolution failed. Several went on to high ranking officer positions in the US Army and at least one of those(Carl Schurz) ended up in Congress.

    No man can serve 2 masters and that certainly seems to apply to socialists/communists/marxists based on their typical level of zeal.

    Francis Bellamy(pledge of allegiance author) was a socialist masquerading as a Christian to the point of moonlighting as a Baptist minister till his sermons began showing what he really was and the congregation kicked him out.
    Last edited by jsbhike; 09-30-21 at 08:36.

  6. #76
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    Let me be clear anyone who is a Marxist or a Nazi want to be is stupid, evil and must be shut down by any means.

    I don't care if some Marxist in the USA today are Jews or Latina like AOC, they are evil

  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoni View Post
    Let me be clear anyone who is a Marxist or a Nazi want to be is stupid, evil and must be shut down by any means.

    I don't care if some Marxist in the USA today are Jews or Latina like AOC, they are evil
    As I stated earlier I didn't start this thread to go in the direction it has. I am annoyed by the repetitive Nazi crap on a certain channel. This morning was the Battle Of Midway, then the history of armored vehicles. Yay! No Nazi shit!

    That said, a couple pages back Grendelshooter spouted some BS about it turning out that the Holocaust wasn't as stated. Really? My FIL will be 96 on Veteran's Day. He was in the 65th Infantry Division. His unit liberated the concentration camps at Mauthausen and Ohrdruf. Oh, and he has pictures. Know what my FIL's unit did to SS they captured? Let's just say they never made it to POW camps.

    I despise revisionist history by both the Left and the extreme Right (like Nazi or Communist apologists). Mostly the Left these days, as they are the majority violators, but occasionally you get someone who crawls out of the wood work and spouts off soft-on-Nazi crap.
    11C2P '83-'87
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  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABNAK View Post
    My FIL will be 96 on Veteran's Day. He was in the 65th Infantry Division. His unit liberated the concentration camps at Mauthausen and Ohrdruf. Oh, and he has pictures. Know what my FIL's unit did to SS they captured? Let's just say they never made it to POW camps.
    Rock on, brother; my Great-Uncle Frank was with the 77th at Gunskirchen, same story. Patton had to forcibly pull them back to ensure that some of those SS bastards were left alive to stand trial! (The 77th was three days ahead of his front line, and at least Uncle Frank's unit was given specific orders that "you see those lightning bolts you don't even give them the CHANCE to surrender.")
    Last edited by Diamondback; 09-30-21 at 17:43.
    Psalms 109:8, 43:1
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  9. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
    Rock on, brother; my Great-Uncle Frank was with the 77th at Gunskirchen, same story. Patton had to forcibly pull them back to ensure that some of those SS bastards were left alive to stand trial! (The 77th was three days ahead of his front line, and at least Uncle Frank's unit was given specific orders that "you see those lightning bolts you don't even give them the CHANCE to surrender.")
    The 77th ID was in the Pacific, so you're a number or two off on the designation. 71st ID liberated Gunskirchen. In 2016 the 65th and the 71st had a joint reunion (because there were so few left by then) in Conneaut, PA. They have an annual D-Day re-enactment there. It was pretty cool. Got to meet some 71st ID guys in addition to seeing some of the 65th guys I'd met previously through my FIL.
    11C2P '83-'87
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  10. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABNAK View Post
    The 77th ID was in the Pacific, so you're a number or two off on the designation. 71st ID liberated Gunskirchen. In 2016 the 65th and the 71st had a joint reunion (because there were so few left by then) in Conneaut, PA. They have an annual D-Day re-enactment there. It was pretty cool. Got to meet some 71st ID guys in addition to seeing some of the 65th guys I'd met previously through my FIL.
    Thank you, it was the 71st "Red Circle." It's been a while since I've had access to his scrapbook, and may have been scrambled in memory because I deal a lot with the Southwest Pacific.

    It was telling that they were only allowed on-site for 24 hours and then immediately isolated for extended debriefing, I suspect as much for Psych reasons as Lessons Learned. And contrary to what some report, he DID see lampshades of human skin and photographed them.

    So when some people say it didn't happen, they're not only calling my uncle a liar, they're accusing him of photographic forgery too.
    Last edited by Diamondback; 09-30-21 at 18:47.
    Psalms 109:8, 43:1
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