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  1. Get back on the clock everybody....
  2. IT'S NOT OVER: more executive orders on the way!
  3. ATK looking at acquiring Freedom Group
  4. Highway of Heroes honors Canada's fallen soldiers.
  5. O'Reilly never ceases to amaze me
  6. good news bad news
  7. Shooting at MIT campus: Chase for Marathon Bombing Suspects
  8. Andy Harris takes on Eric Holder on NICS
  9. The stupidity of Progressives is mind boggling
  10. Feminist gets a lesson on how the policies she supported really work.
  11. Had The Privilege To Meet Up With Army Chief Last Night
  12. Maybe this is why DHS needed 1.6 Billion rounds.
  13. Do you have the right to refuse...
  14. Well One Thing Is For Sure, Every Major City Will Become London...
  15. What If A Civilian Fires A Kill Shot (MIT Shooting/Active Shooters):
  16. Are they really that dumb?
  17. No Miranda for Boston Bomber
  18. Bill Mahar calls out Islam and Liberals:Hell freezes over
  19. 'What kind of people do they think we are?'
  20. Beck on gov cover-up
  21. Post your favorite movie quote? Or just a good movie quote.
  22. Post the most ridiculous YouTube videos you can find. Music videos preferred.
  23. Do you wheel your 4x4?
  24. Get out your kilt!
  25. Need some help spreading some good word
  26. Edit.
  27. Verizon Gun Poll - Crush it!
  28. Whats happened to the North Korea hysteria?
  29. Sleeper cell....
  30. Boston bombing as excuse for immigration push
  31. Amazing...It Seems Gun Control FAILED To Prevent Terrorism...
  32. Adolphus Busch IV quits the NRA
  33. Storage while traveling
  34. Well, that was fast: Background checks for powder coming.
  35. Infiltrated by Bald Eagles
  36. "If you see something, say something..."
  37. Classic Movies you Just Can't Freaking Stomach
  38. Anyone interested in 3D printers?
  39. B-Grade or Low Budget Flicks that You just Love
  40. Thank your elected officials form letter
  41. FBI Potential Indicators Of Terrorist Activity...Firearm Shops...
  42. Boston event as leverage for drones
  43. Sick and Tired of Regions Bank
  44. M4 used in Boston
  45. NY wants to raise the age to buy cigerettes to 21.
  46. We need a thread to cover the cover up....
  47. Senate Voting on Online Tax Amendment or "Marketplace Fairness Act"
  48. Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Bombing
  49. This is really crazy...ACOGS
  50. Bloomberg warns of people trying to take away freedom..
  51. "Sonic Wall" Question
  52. How times and expectations have changed
  53. "America's Gun: The Rise of the AR-15" 1 HR Documentary
  54. Why are we importing Chechens?
  55. Boston bomber explosives came from fireworks?
  56. Samurai sword guy stops crime
  57. Some people should not have access to guns
  58. 4 Guards Impregnated By Same Inmate
  59. Tamerlan Tsarnaev got Mass. welfare benefits
  60. "Never Go Full Retard"
  61. 2nd Amendment = Muskets
  62. Another shooting...
  63. Mining rig - (PC build question)
  64. Another seemingly innocent proposal that makes my red flag go up
  65. What are our kids worth? (Newtown)
  66. Clark County Shooting complex Las Vegas
  67. Lucky Shot...
  68. In Response To Another Member Regarding "Speed Holes"
  69. Not just BofA but GE too
  70. Food Stamps!! Get your red hot food stamps!!
  71. Possible good politician spotted
  72. Boston bomber unarmed in "firefight"?
  73. So, do you think the panic is over?
  74. Hubris: Congress Exempts Selves, Staff from Obamacare
  75. Possible Head's up for coming EOs.
  76. Ammo Giveaway
  77. Sorry but this IS a violation of one's 4th amendment rights
  78. Forgotten TV shows you never forgot
  79. Bombers not Muslim terrorists?
  80. Worst Traffic In US - Austin is #4
  81. Any issues with lieing to Credit Card companies on applications?
  82. Non-citizens to serve on juries in California
  83. Bloomberg And Apparently The Media Believe His Camera Network Will "Thwart" Terrorism
  84. V For Vendetta
  85. Holder strikes again?
  86. "It is entirely inexplicable why DHS needs so much ammo"
  87. Jon Stewart slams Fox News...
  88. Help from M4c
  89. Boston Bomber & Family On Welfare...
  90. How do you pay for cell service, and how do you want to pay for it?
  91. The Army's Official Camo Improvement Program
  92. Choosing new truck gun. M1 Garand vs. M1A
  93. The Opossum Has Passed
  94. What is Rand Paul saying here....
  95. Black Helicopters & Machineguns: Another Session 11 May!
  96. Boston resident curses out Infowars "reporter"...
  97. Bomb Detonated "Line Of Sight"
  98. Tom Knapp has passed
  99. Hate to do this but...what's the current state of affairs in the smartphone wars?
  100. Russia had wiretap on Boston Marathon bombing suspect, US officials say
  101. Ammo shortage really starting to annoy me.
  102. Eye on Amerika....
  103. Shepard Fairey, copyright, and the NRA
  104. Are you white collar or blue collar?
  105. Boston NG units seeking to confiscate banned assault weapons ambushed
  106. NRA 2013 Annual Mtg in Houston, Who's going?
  107. My Testimony to the RI Senate on Assault Weapons
  108. UBC Round 2 - Manchin(D) is back at it... again.
  109. Suspect in 'biggest cyber attack in history' had hack van, bunker
  110. Everything is rigged: biggest financial scam yet
  111. Loksak Waterproof Phone/Utility Bags Giveaway II With 3 Winners This Round
  112. Obama campaign fraud convictions...
  113. So In 2006 I Watched United 93...
  114. Hi-risers aka Donk, Box, or Bubble.
  115. Keystone XL
  116. CNBC Americas Gun- The Rise of the AR-15
  117. The 5 Most Embarrassing Failures In The History Of Terrorism
  118. Still think you have rights?
  119. What's up with all this Global Warming, uh, Climate Change, anyway?
  120. Reply from Toomey
  121. Would-be Squirrel-Killer Injured After Taping Cartridge to BB Gun
  122. Arguments, General Discussion, and a reminder about shooting
  123. Gun Background Checks: Will ‘No’ Votes Pay the Price?
  124. Drama in tbe work place - a belloc banned thread
  125. WWII bomber jacket returned to 90-year-old vet
  126. Kalifornia moving to embrace pedophilia as a natural orientation!
  127. Playoff Hockey!!
  128. Girls’ rugby team gun raffle draws resident’s concern
  129. First Amputee graduates Air Assault School
  131. Verifying Govt Contract Claims
  132. What is wrong with this?
  133. Colt and Connecticut
  134. Windows 7 Media Player question...
  135. For anyone who hasn't seen the plane crash at BAF video yet...
  136. PEW Research Center releases shocking data on Muslim opinions...
  137. What is the best "FREE" Anti Virus program for Windows?
  138. Your favorite sitcom
  139. Bored? Watch someone who spent a year with no internet come back to the collective...
  140. Saudis warned US Gov about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, too...
  141. Reply from Tim Kaine
  142. Silent Professional Auction
  143. What other cultural queues do you recognize as grounds for acceptance?
  144. Most "Under the Radar" personal defensive tool.
  145. RANT: Political correctness
  146. People who carry 9mm.
  147. How to change combination on Redhead safe
  148. Finds or Buys where you "lucked out"
  149. Presidential Proclamation -- Loyalty Day, 2013
  150. RoboBees: Tiny robotic insects
  151. Recommendations? - A Quality American Flag
  152. CA Govenor approves $24M gun confiscation program
  153. Trailer: "The Purge"
  154. I don't even know what to say re: school "shooting"
  155. Missouri Senate passes bill 26-6 that nullifies all federal anti-gun measures. Ever.
  156. Double Platinum At 14, Dead At 34...
  157. Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman dead 49
  158. Boston bombers family speaks
  159. Getting bent over and raped by American Express - a story. (A Rant)
  160. Jumpin' Joe Biden: Loose Cannon on Deck!
  161. Rear Admiral Says Faith is Under Threat in Military
  162. Israel bombs Syria?
  163. MagPul- My Kind of Hippies!
  164. Please watch and share. Chris Kyle's wife.
  165. Phila perv-athon
  166. Sarah Palin's speech to 2013 NRA Convention
  167. Dirty Wars book / trailer
  168. World War Z
  169. What piece of military equipment did you hate when you served?
  170. CNN anchorette got her iPhone snatched
  171. Those Who Wish for Escalation of Warfare in the Levant
  172. Israeli Air Force bombed the Military Research Center.
  173. What is the rarest small arm you wish you could own?
  174. X-51A Waverider - Mach 5.1 Experimental Plane
  175. Ted Cruz
  176. How Feinstein fiddled while America burned
  177. What is the one firearm that you've sold, and would really like to have back?
  178. Wifi booster
  179. DHS Training Video on "Illegal weapons"
  180. From the "You Can't Make This Stuff Up" Files
  181. How many of you have become liabilities since December?
  182. AMMO Bill
  183. Time to register your printers
  184. Missing for 10 years, 3 Cleveland women found. Were held captive.
  185. Benghazi whistleblowers set to testify
  186. Immigration Reform.
  187. Caribbean Cruise - Sts. Maarten, Kitts, Lucia, Thomas, Barbados, and Puerto Rico
  188. Texas map of gun owners published
  189. Key Senators Under Pressure. Call and Give Them Your Support!
  190. Identity Theft Redux
  191. The power of Bacon!
  192. PEW Research Center releases Gun / Crime study...
  193. Backblast
  194. Jodi Arias found guilty of 1st-degree premeditated murder
  195. To Our Friends At The Department Of Homeland Security
  196. Multi rotor RC (Tri, Quad, Hexa, Octo, etc copters + drone/UAV as well): The Thread
  197. Open Carry March on Washington #OpenCarry130704
  198. Any Toyota LandCruiser owners here?
  199. What is Gov. Perry doing?
  200. The Number Of US Citizens On Disability Is Now Larger Than The Population Of Greece
  201. How C4IGrant Helped Me Thwart A Pakistani Evildoer. Well...Sort of.
  202. Do you have good situational awareness?
  203. NSSF dumps Reed for SHOT
  204. Any Acura owners on here? (Found a solution with photos.)
  205. Is there any truth to this?
  206. A hilarious view of the NRA show from a outsider
  207. Pick one historical figure who died too young to save from their untimely death...
  208. Fiancee caught me.. what would you do?
  209. I called Honda trying to get a lower interest rate on my bike loan...
  210. Evolution at its finest.
  211. Remington scores 50,629 unit M4 contract for Phillipine Army
  212. Some families of Seal Team 6 say White House put a target on their backs
  213. Will this ruin Sarah Palin? Denial of protection kills four while she was mayor?
  214. Acting like Nazi's
  215. Boston Bomber buried in VA
  216. Movie Theater "Publicity Stunt" in Missouri during Iron Man 3
  217. Let's talk motorcycles as a primary vehicle (or anything else that sips gas)
  218. Some pictures from the International Auto Show last month...
  219. F-35B Sea Trials
  220. Thanks Safetyhit :)
  221. ALMS Leguna Seca Live
  222. IRS targets the Tea Party
  223. Afghanistan?
  224. Database buried in immigration bill?
  225. Live without breathing
  226. Road Rage: A case study
  227. HHS officially open for bribes to implement Obamacare@
  228. Boeings new weapon CHAMP - lights out
  229. Hunting pigs from a chopper
  230. Amateur video of New Orleans parade shooting...
  231. NJ Senators caught in discussion with advocate of gun confiscation
  232. Ender's Game
  233. Clinton vs Bush 2016 or...
  234. The answer to your weapons lube questions
  235. More "benefits" of being a Nam vet :(
  236. The Media Is Turning On The President At A Wonderfully Fast Pace
  237. Explosions at Aitgas in West Virginia
  238. Here Comes Another One. Justice Dept Caught Illegally Accessing AP Phone Records
  239. Tapatalk free on Amazon
  240. Philadelphia Abortion Doc Gosnell Found Guilty of Murder (x3)
  241. Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot & Trade Show 23-24 June
  242. New York State man arrested for having 2 bullets too many!
  243. Obama justice dept. tapped/seized AP phones/records
  244. And now some really disturbing news...
  245. LASD Pistol Team Circa 1936
  246. My friend's Glock got stolen, used to shoot a gang banger, and she got it back...
  247. Pay Pal
  248. Is this funny or a slight to our service?
  249. Funny Jon Stewart segway on BHO, IRS / AP & etc.
  250. Msg. To All DoD Personnel from SecDef Hagel - Civilian Furloughs