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  1. "My Dad's Car" (2 replies)
  2. cops will testify for defense, not prosecution (6 replies)
  3. State Ballot Qs (13 replies)
  4. Outrage: Obama admin. (1 replies)
  5. Benghazi timeline (1 replies)
  6. Obama watched Benghazi on tv and declined to intervene. (3 replies)
  7. Hawaii to be hit by Tsunami after EQ hits Canada (8 replies)
  8. 2012 Feral Hog Hunting Highlights with the Dehogaflier UAV (6 replies)
  9. Bug Out Bag Picture Contest (0 replies)
  10. Voter fraud in Ohio?? (8 replies)
  11. challange coins (8 replies)
  12. China knockoffs.... again. Airbags! (0 replies)
  13. Helping My Neighbors Learn Consideration 101... (63 replies)
  14. Sick and Tired of Election Year Harassment (23 replies)
  15. Anyone here current or prior Army ordnance corps (especially officers)? (1 replies)
  16. Texas vows to arrest UN election observers! (4 replies)
  17. US court upholds ban on handgun sales to people under 21 (17 replies)
  18. The type of devotion that no amount of money can buy (4 replies)
  19. political lean and PC messaging in shows ! getting sick of it ! (7 replies)
  20. Penalizing companies that do business in Israel (10 replies)
  21. Forecast For Sandy Becoming Ominous To Northeast (116 replies)
  22. Arizonans voting to retake Grand Canyon (26 replies)
  23. redacted (3 replies)
  24. OMG...Must Have This Bookcase... (13 replies)
  25. Frankenstein/Bride of Frankenstein Tonight On the BIG SCREEN... (49 replies)
  26. Tagg Romney Apologizes to Obama (2 replies)
  27. 5 Stories A Day (2 replies)
  28. Iraq Ninja- Sons of Guns- Freefall Shotgun episode (38 replies)
  29. Citizens forming posses as crime overwhelms police? (69 replies)
  30. Bailout fails: Jeeps to be made in China (128 replies)
  31. Apple press event today (21 replies)
  32. Finale Debate: Winner Takes All? (27 replies)
  33. Medal of Honor Warfighter ... (9 replies)
  34. Marines to use new Karzai approved ACOG (12 replies)
  35. The Flag Man (3 replies)
  36. France to ban homework due to inequality (43 replies)
  37. Heading to Nashville (5 replies)
  38. 7 Rules For Self Discovery, by A.W. Tozer (3 replies)
  39. Early voting begins today . . . GO VOTE! (15 replies)
  40. 2011+ Jeep Grand Cherokee...Wrangler? (44 replies)
  41. Six Dollar Gasoline and $4k per Ounce Gold??? (0 replies)
  42. Another mass shooting in SE WI (14 replies)
  43. Boy Ordered to Transfer Schools for Carrying Cystic Fibrosis Gene Mutation (4 replies)
  44. Need help with indoor AC unit (4 replies)
  45. Pedophile Nation (103 replies)
  46. Justice Kagan is antelope hunting this weekend. (10 replies)
  47. The Obama crime wave has begun. (30 replies)
  48. Either shut GD down or STFU (57 replies)
  49. Libya fight details (5 replies)
  50. Cold and Flu Remedies (11 replies)
  51. Man pedicure??! (40 replies)
  52. Bass/Electric Guitar Recommendations Needed... (15 replies)
  53. Can Anyone Help Me Find The Owner Of This Vietnam Era Flight Helmet? (18 replies)
  54. obama supporters try talk about benghazi or not ! (15 replies)
  55. Beards... (40 replies)
  56. Phone call of the day! (16 replies)
  57. Clear picture of our Government spending. (0 replies)
  58. Colt blocks again (4 replies)
  59. And so it begins...... (1 replies)
  60. Lunch Scholars (6 replies)
  61. Let's give our Army Chief a birthday/Xmas present from M4C (0 replies)
  62. Let's give our Army Chief a birthday/Xmas present from M4C (58 replies)
  63. Name Change?? - Actual Surname (14 replies)
  64. I know I'm gonna catch hate for even making a thread out of this. (18 replies)
  65. The problem with "panic buying" (32 replies)
  66. 26 Things to do before the debt apocalypse (22 replies)
  67. I Got A Virus From Looking At Guns (6 replies)
  68. While we worry about carbines, Chelsea worries about... (19 replies)
  69. OOH-RAH for the Marine on FOX!!! (1 replies)
  70. Presidential debatee, round two. (172 replies)
  71. Another "green energy"company files for Ch.11 (1 replies)
  72. A Case Against Constitutional Incorporation (11 replies)
  73. A New Low (6 replies)
  74. What not to do when prosecuting a high profile case... (19 replies)
  75. Son's Third Grade Teacher Won't Allow The Kids To Refer To Themselves As "I" (50 replies)
  76. ROTC Cadets (16 replies)
  77. Your "stupid kid" phase (15 replies)
  78. home invasion prank (11 replies)
  79. Wash those hands! (21 replies)
  80. Walking Dead - Season 3 *spoilers* (482 replies)
  81. RedBull Stratos (47 replies)
  82. Holy Shite, what a good fight (1 replies)
  83. Almost lost it in a mandatory Hunter's Education course this morning... (31 replies)
  84. 2003 Tacoma Pre-Runner Double Cab (22 replies)
  85. The support of this forum through troubling times. (8 replies)
  86. How To Make An Easy $1000! (12 replies)
  87. 2016 Obama's America: Anybody else seen it? (122 replies)
  88. Woman forced to live with "squatter" in her Detroit home (13 replies)
  89. Any Porsche, Group C fans? (10 replies)
  90. Who's Going to See Atlas Shrugged II Tonight? (5 replies)
  91. observation blimp (23 replies)
  92. VP Debate? (37 replies)
  93. 10,000-20,000 shoulder fired rockets go missing in Libya (15 replies)
  94. Ted Nugent's Gun Country (17 replies)
  95. How many threads are you subscribed to??? (9 replies)
  96. New "Violence Tax" Proposed On Legal Illinois Gun Owners (19 replies)
  97. CSM Basil L. Plumley (1920-2012) (5 replies)
  98. Is Hillary Clinton off her rocker? (21 replies)
  99. Trailer: "The Hope And The Change" (1 replies)
  100. Homeless panhandlers everywhere (43 replies)
  101. Refreshing Candor from Lara Logan of CBS/60 Minutes (14 replies)
  102. Just when you thought you had enough of zombies . . . (12 replies)
  103. "What if we can't catch terrorists in America because there aren't any?" (13 replies)
  104. Does this sound like an organization you would want to interview for? (15 replies)
  105. As Military Suicides Rise, Focus Is on Private Weapons (17 replies)
  106. People We Should Be Allowed To Hit With A Stick... (78 replies)
  107. Kyle Lamb on Guns & Ammo TV (4 replies)
  108. Troubling Report About Automated Trading (1 replies)
  109. redacted (33 replies)
  110. Any hunters out there? (8 replies)
  111. Time for Officer Alex J. Murphy then (8 replies)
  112. I thought some of you guys might dig this. Short film. (2 replies)
  113. Crazy, Insane Mass Murder Is Nothing New... (5 replies)
  114. NY is allowing you to put your vets status on your drivers lD card? (13 replies)
  115. Have The Latest Unemployment Numbers Been Altered By The Administration? (25 replies)
  116. Do you have any other addiction besides guns? (86 replies)
  117. Homeland Security Expert in one year! (22 replies)
  118. Meanwhile, In California (59 replies)
  119. For those wanting to show support for Army Chief (116 replies)
  120. IPhone discussion (236 replies)
  121. Syrian Rebels (Openly Supported by the West) Have Bigger Plans (28 replies)
  122. A Saudi Wedding ... (14 replies)
  123. Commentary on the debate.... (130 replies)
  124. October 3, 1993 (24 replies)
  125. "3D-Printer Company Sells to Gun Companies, But Not Desktop Weaponeers" (1 replies)
  126. If you could make ONE change to this country... (57 replies)
  127. Please pray for Army Chief (and related musings) (2043 replies)
  128. Nice little psy op video (political) (3 replies)
  129. Airbrush (6 replies)
  130. A loss in talk radio (49 replies)
  131. Drudge Report - Angry Obama Video on Fox (26 replies)
  132. 2 US border agents shot, 1 killed, near major drug corridor in Arizona (6 replies)
  133. Bank Profit Boost QE3 (5 replies)
  134. Any Z.E.R.T. Members Here? (0 replies)
  135. Urgent!! Please help get this on TV!! (5 replies)
  136. lol... Force Protection Vehicle 60 MPH Brake Test (15 replies)
  137. Split unit AC, anybody got one? (1 replies)
  138. Culturally insensitive health department (0 replies)
  139. You guys need to watch these. They're hilarious. (9 replies)
  140. Funny Political Ad (0 replies)
  141. NYC high school admission test (0 replies)
  142. Is it the fluoride, or??? (43 replies)
  143. calf found burned alive on lisbon farm (28 replies)
  144. Don't hit a woman (96 replies)
  145. Awesome Day: Make a Wish Foundation and the United States Air Force Academy (0 replies)
  146. The Worst Reporter in the History of Man (6 replies)
  147. Playing with a Canon EOS... (5 replies)
  148. YouTube video- helmet cam of soldier in a firefight; gets shot, survives. (1 replies)
  149. I got liberal'd (9 replies)
  150. Anyone playing Borderlands 2? (12 replies)
  151. Anybody See What Just Happened On FOX? (54 replies)
  152. OJ Simpson Nicole Brown murders -- guy claims his OJ's son did it (13 replies)
  153. Terrorist Prank in Phoenix (16 replies)
  154. In light of the new free-speech debate raging around the world... (4 replies)
  155. The Constitution no longer exists in St. Louis. (51 replies)
  156. Bonnie Parker Pistol Auction... (8 replies)
  157. This Is What The Far Left Now Deems Socially Acceptable. It Is Bad. (30 replies)
  158. I want a refund on every AR15 I've ever bought (9 replies)
  159. Anyone else have a store like this? (33 replies)
  160. Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated DoD? (48 replies)
  161. Too Fat To Fight (43 replies)
  162. Romney may be end of line for establishment GOP (42 replies)
  163. Documentary maker raising funds for pro-2A documentary (6 replies)
  164. גמר חתימה טובה (3 replies)
  165. DC starting to move in the right direction on guns (5 replies)
  166. A liberal actor (John Cusack) goes off on Obama and the Constitution (87 replies)
  167. Johnny Walker Lindh's Lawyer is now DOJ #3 (5 replies)
  168. 2016: Obama's America (2 replies)
  169. Suicide deaths now surpass car crash deaths (18 replies)
  170. Need a New Phone (23 replies)
  171. Small trucks: Tacoma vs. Frontier (35 replies)
  172. Man made globull warming/climate change (1 replies)
  173. The New Rules For Cyber Warfare (19 replies)
  174. GA gun club to sell alcohol (12 replies)
  175. Gabe Suarez.....What did he just type? (34 replies)
  176. the next middle class (27 replies)
  177. Special Operations Warrior Foundation Banquet AAR (8 replies)
  178. Shuttle flyby (8 replies)
  179. Need advice: Online Degree Programs (9 replies)
  180. If you could pick three weapons to pass import restrictions.. (31 replies)
  181. Obama Desecrates Old Glory For Campaign Cash (13 replies)
  182. MaN cAves!!! Who has One??? (7 replies)
  183. political candidates should not desecrate the flag (IMO) (15 replies)
  184. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie pro-2nd amendment (11 replies)
  185. Are we on the eve of another world war? (40 replies)
  186. Dealing with Apathy? (6 replies)
  187. Whirlpool washer question... (6 replies)
  188. Our fiscal cliff (10 replies)
  189. Why can't America do strategy? (44 replies)
  190. I thought the government did not go after sedition any more. (6 replies)
  191. Another Cuban Missile Crisis looming? (11 replies)
  192. ? for plumber (11 replies)
  193. Light The Night in Las Vegas! (13 replies)
  194. Let's suppress information about Trayvon being a violent thug. (15 replies)
  195. State Dept negotiates blind SHIEKS release. (23 replies)
  196. More Silence on Afghanistan! (29 replies)
  197. China provoking Japan again (29 replies)
  198. Maybe the Mayan's got it partially right (46 replies)
  199. The faceless men behind the curtain (10 replies)
  200. Magpul Masada BS (1 replies)
  201. Revolution on NBC (4 replies)
  202. SPCA sucks. County shelter GTGO. (16 replies)
  203. Federal Prison (UNICOR) Steals American Jobs (2 replies)
  204. Bill Maher to Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison: The Koran Is a “Hate-Filled Holy Book” (24 replies)
  205. EPA: new minimum 4 gallon gas purchase (28 replies)
  206. US taxpayers paid more to Israeli defense budget than Israelis (15 replies)
  207. Internet ammo purchase bill (1 replies)
  208. Shouldn't we move our carriers out of missile range? (60 replies)
  209. Sudan refuses US Marines entry.... (33 replies)
  210. A Spartan Returns Upon His Shield (4 replies)
  211. When naked ninjas attack! (14 replies)
  212. How much does firewood cost? (0 replies)
  213. Kind of funny. (3 replies)
  214. ARMY boot camp....Who has been to or worked at in the last 15 years or so? (24 replies)
  215. MSNBC Has Reached A New Low (66 replies)
  216. Obama expands ATF gun seisure ability (2 replies)
  217. Getting delivery dates out of Gun manufacturers (20 replies)
  218. On the lighter side (8 replies)
  219. Do you avoid taxes? Are you a tax evader? (13 replies)
  220. The Numbers Are Horrifying.... (124 replies)
  221. Wut!? (6 replies)
  222. Top U.S. military officer calls pastor over film (61 replies)
  223. Looking for Zero target made by member here (4 replies)
  224. 'The Blaze' TV debuts on DISH (3 replies)
  225. Russian ships displayed at DNC tribute to vets (19 replies)
  226. correct way to sell lower receiver? (3 replies)
  227. My favorite part of my childhood. (10 replies)
  228. Firefighters VS Terrorists (AR15's do the talking) (57 replies)
  229. US Ambassador to Libya, Two Marines Killed... (409 replies)
  230. The Things You "Think" Will Be Valuable One Day... (19 replies)
  231. Computer Pro's....I need help please. (10 replies)
  232. My night as a phish...beware! FYI (0 replies)
  233. Biden: 9/11 is "bittersweet moment" (11 replies)
  234. Patches? (8 replies)
  235. The U.S. response to 9/11 (34 replies)
  236. What firearms/optics would you buy for $10,000 (15 replies)
  237. CNN and Global Post passing off fake war photos? (2 replies)
  238. Can you believe Chicago teachers have the audacity to go on strike? (24 replies)
  239. FBI Facial Recognition to go Hot 2014... (54 replies)
  240. Yeah, the gov't investment in GM is working out great. (10 replies)
  241. Is AR15.com down (3 replies)
  242. Finally, someone gets it.... (2 replies)
  243. Safe solution for renters... maybe. (2 replies)
  244. so... Recoil Magazine pulled a Zumbo... (2 replies)
  245. Which president would win a knife fight? (35 replies)
  246. Thoughts on Minimum Advertised Price (MAP)? (7 replies)
  247. Saints need to beef their game up. They lost. I was mad. (7 replies)
  248. Please pray for my friend Pete. (25 replies)
  249. ya... so... i was @ a presidential rally with my AR strapped on.. (8 replies)
  250. Retail Sales at Gun Shows- What's the Deal? (21 replies)